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Cash Verified Slaves
by on December 6, 2018

I remember when i first started on the site. i was greeting someone over on fetlife when her profile had this site on it. I decided to give it a try and see what the site was about. I signed up, was trying to navigate myself around the site which was confusing for someone who was new. the chatroom was at the top of the home page and couldnt figure out how to make it bigger. i had someone help me from the site. i felt bad as i couldnt seem to get to do it. i was verified that night. Admin was the one who verified me that night. i had to hold up 6 fingers which my bran at like 1a in the morning couldnt process and figured it out. i had lots of cams looking at me and i was nervous. i stayed in the room for a bit longer before i decided to go to bed. i was in the kitchen anyways so i did a bit of cleaning afterwards.

Now 5 years later. Ive seen so many changes. so many people leave, so many get banned, so many that returns, so many that are rude, nice, etc. Ive seen the goods in receiving tributes a lot to where it is quiet. Ive seen genuine subs and a lot of timewasters. Ive seen friendships to enemies. Ive had a few stick up for me and then a few bash me. I still held my head up high no matter what was going on when i am on the site. I may not be up there as some of the other ladies are but ive been told by the subs that they like me because i am nice to them. And they will send a little something for that. I hope to become a better findomme. I hope to gain a few subs to have in my den. I hope to be able to maintain the friendships i have developed on the site and stay away from those that are my enemies. We all dont need the toxicity in our lives.

So here it is to 5 years. A site that I never thought i would be a success for me even if it is small. Tonight I want to celebrate with you pathetic little worms spoiling me with tributes. I want to be showered with gifts and see you filled with pride. i want to hear from you happy findomversary out of your shy mouths. So let the celebration begin!

Topics: findomversary
4 people like this.
yup yay!
Like December 6, 2018
Happy findomversary Aeval,we should celebrate together,mine was yesterday too. 1f642.png
Like December 6, 2018
irish we should! lets drain those boys
Like December 6, 2018