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Cash Verified Slaves
by on November 13, 2018

A D/s relationship is quite an intricate thing. It stems from trust. So many little things are involved that often escapes our mind. We usually tend to focus on the highs that we are about to achieve. Sadly, too often, we focus on, "What am I getting out of this?" and not, "What am I giving and/or offering in this relationship?"

I am a very emotionally invested Domme. That's no secret. I've had exactly 2 subs who were fleetingly short-term and I will never have that again.

When I take on a sub, I am assuming that this is a relationship to last a lifetime. I assume he is going to become an integral part of my life. I assume that I am going to be sending him Good morning and Good night messages every day. I assume we are going to discuss anything and everything, including things that are non-kink related. I assume that we are going to care for one another... until one of us HAS to let go off of it.

Yes, I assume these things. It is often said to assume = making an ASS of U and ME. Yet, I still assume in good faith. Why? To me, a D/s relationship is a sacred bond. You are sharing a very intimate part of your soul and being with this person. You are trusting that they will receive and respect your desires. You approach them with a naked heart and soul and let them into places that, perhaps, you have not even let your spouse into.

With that being said, how can you expect me to do these "sessions"? There's nothing between us. There's no connection. You flash your money at me and assume that because I am a FinDomme, I will jump at your whims and get Cam-ready.


That's not going to happen. I am a Domme because my heart and soul are in it. I can not pretend to have that connection and give you a good "rinsing". Although, you will ultimately get what you wanted. That fleeting moment of sub-space and high and then run off and be merry. Sooner or later, you are going to crash and have regret. BECAUSE this was no special interaction.

I'm not going to offer you a session. I care a little too much. There are plenty of Dommes and even more InstaDommes who will happily oblige.

I am NOT one of them.



This post is no way meant to insult any fellow dommes. This post is based on my personal beliefs and way of operation.