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The titles says it all; strictly enjoying humiliation alone does not make you a submissive, especially when you lack respect for women.
Erotic Humiliation is one of the most frequently searched phrases on the net, and I'm not surprised i'd say 8/10 i've met even in 'vanilla' settings have admitted to enjoying some form of humiliation. The lack of control over their feelings and the belittlement is exciting, especially in a world where men are fed the idea they should have complete composure over their emotions.
I have met countless number of men who enjoy Humiliation and have pleaded me both online and in person to Humiliate them, but through my experience i have discovered not all these men are actually submissive, they each enjoy being abused and humiliated as much as each other but theres a big difference between the two. One has respect and the other does not.
And i will go as far to say that they each are on the extreme ends of the spectrum; one is a female supremacist and one is misogynistic (whether they like to admit it or not)
And heres how i've come to my conclusion, there are many men who crave humiliation, and STRICTLY humiliation, to a point they often self impose. They ideally want to self inflict this 'humiliation' in the presence of a female (whether thats via Skype or real life) or by sending unsolicited pictures of themselves. These kinds of 'men' will say and do anything to get the rush that comes with being humiliated and take no consideration to which female is present when they are doing so. It doesn't matter who she is, as long as she has a pair of eyes to witness his performance. The 'men' who take no direction and just self humiliate are misogynists, they often turn very vile when a woman suggests something or even declines to watch him, they prefer her to be passive. They crave a woman just to be an audience and they take centre stage, directing themselves, deciding what they do to themselves and disobey when they are requested to do something by the Domme thats not part of their imaginary script. Asking to be humiliated by a Domme and then doing something alternative to what she says is not what a female supremacist would do, they would put her needs first and they would not treat her like a prop in a one man entertainment show, an object present merely for sexual satisfaction. And paying her to take part in this doesn't make it okay, it actually makes it much worse, you are putting a price on her for your pleasure.
The men who have respect for women and enjoy humiliation are completely different. Theres a completely different dynamic to their ways, the humiliation is pleasurable because it is being enforced by a woman, a superior being. And what better way to feel her full force of psychological power than being pushed and manipulated by her words alone and feeling the results of that resonate through ur body causing you to quiver and your cheeks flush pink! And most importantly watching her smile as you obey her command, her pleasure put first as it should be by any self proclaimed submissive.
I have concluded after years that not all men who enjoy humiliation are submissive, and if you are a sub reading this you should really have a think about what kind of man you are. Are you really a submissive man? do you really believe in female supremacy?
And i hate to break the 'fantasy' for some of you that may be into 'self humiliation' but it is actually impossible to humiliate yourself. Humiliation is something that is brought upon by others, what you experience when you do things to yourself without command is embarrassment, and sometimes maybe even guilt. Perhaps the feelings are similar in some ways, but i guess its the same difference between copper and gold.
So for all those that are guilty of embarrassing yourselves maybe its time to dive deeper, change your ways and really experience humiliation for all it could be.
Erotic Humiliation is one of the most frequently searched phrases on the net, and I'm not surprised i'd say 8/10 i've met even in 'vanilla' settings have admitted to enjoying some form of humiliation. The lack of control over their feelings and the belittlement is exciting, especially in a world where men are fed the idea they should have complete composure over their emotions.
I have met countless number of men who enjoy Humiliation and have pleaded me both online and in person to Humiliate them, but through my experience i have discovered not all these men are actually submissive, they each enjoy being abused and humiliated as much as each other but theres a big difference between the two. One has respect and the other does not.
And i will go as far to say that they each are on the extreme ends of the spectrum; one is a female supremacist and one is misogynistic (whether they like to admit it or not)
And heres how i've come to my conclusion, there are many men who crave humiliation, and STRICTLY humiliation, to a point they often self impose. They ideally want to self inflict this 'humiliation' in the presence of a female (whether thats via Skype or real life) or by sending unsolicited pictures of themselves. These kinds of 'men' will say and do anything to get the rush that comes with being humiliated and take no consideration to which female is present when they are doing so. It doesn't matter who she is, as long as she has a pair of eyes to witness his performance. The 'men' who take no direction and just self humiliate are misogynists, they often turn very vile when a woman suggests something or even declines to watch him, they prefer her to be passive. They crave a woman just to be an audience and they take centre stage, directing themselves, deciding what they do to themselves and disobey when they are requested to do something by the Domme thats not part of their imaginary script. Asking to be humiliated by a Domme and then doing something alternative to what she says is not what a female supremacist would do, they would put her needs first and they would not treat her like a prop in a one man entertainment show, an object present merely for sexual satisfaction. And paying her to take part in this doesn't make it okay, it actually makes it much worse, you are putting a price on her for your pleasure.
The men who have respect for women and enjoy humiliation are completely different. Theres a completely different dynamic to their ways, the humiliation is pleasurable because it is being enforced by a woman, a superior being. And what better way to feel her full force of psychological power than being pushed and manipulated by her words alone and feeling the results of that resonate through ur body causing you to quiver and your cheeks flush pink! And most importantly watching her smile as you obey her command, her pleasure put first as it should be by any self proclaimed submissive.
I have concluded after years that not all men who enjoy humiliation are submissive, and if you are a sub reading this you should really have a think about what kind of man you are. Are you really a submissive man? do you really believe in female supremacy?
And i hate to break the 'fantasy' for some of you that may be into 'self humiliation' but it is actually impossible to humiliate yourself. Humiliation is something that is brought upon by others, what you experience when you do things to yourself without command is embarrassment, and sometimes maybe even guilt. Perhaps the feelings are similar in some ways, but i guess its the same difference between copper and gold.
So for all those that are guilty of embarrassing yourselves maybe its time to dive deeper, change your ways and really experience humiliation for all it could be.
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