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Pauley playtoy-OwnedByPB
by on November 2, 2018

As of November 1, I have 6 months without release. My obligation to Mistress Pauley is to go without, to not ask for release, to aspire to meet my previous record of 17 months and to beat that by going without for 18 months. After that... but that is a long way off, one year to be exact.

Each month I buy Mistres Pauley an Orgasm Denial Thank You Gift and post here to explain why I picked that gift for her. This months gift is a $200 contribution to a Kickstarter project that will bring her the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. The $200 level gives her all the benefits of the project. The reason I picked this gift is it is sometning she is interested in and a Highest priority in her Wish List. I can then submit to her will by buying her an expensive gift in an area of interest I know nothing about. The message is it's all about her.

Thank you for not letting me release, Mistress Pauley. Thank you for keeping me aroused and submissive, Mistress Pauley. Thank you for controlling the terms of your Orgasm Denial Program, Mistress Pauley.

Thank you, Mistress Pauley.

slave aka sorrysub


2 people like this.
Ms. Pauley Belle
You are welcome slave and I see an error in your blog that needs to be fixed
Like November 5, 2018
Pauley playtoy-OwnedByPB
I corrected "nterested" and capitalized "i" Any more problems, Mistress?
Like November 5, 2018
Ms. Pauley Belle
There are a few more
Like November 5, 2018