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Cash Verified Slaves
easily led
by on October 22, 2018

It’s been two weeks since I wrote my first blog post “Under Her Consideration” and I thought I would write about developments since then.


Miss Dakota continues to surprise and amaze me.  For my part, I feel I am falling more under Her influence every day and I love that feeling.  I adore Her more than I can express in words and She is increasingly dominating everything I think about.  One of the many things I love about Her is that every day there is communication with Her, no matter how busy She is, She always finds time to chat with me for a while.


If I am honest, I have yet to find anything I don’t love about Her!  I mean, obviously, She is a beautiful Goddess but She is a Goddess inside as well.  She is hard working and very smart, compassionate and generous.  Right now from all I have seen from Her, I feel that She is simply my ideal Goddess.  I feel like She understands me, and She has a kindness to Her that in my experience I find to be all too rare.  She says She has another meaner side to Her when She is crossed.  I don’t intend ever trying to find out what that looks like!


I feel our connection is deepening every day.  The more I discover about Her, the more perfect She seems.  She has been very open about Herself with me and has told me much about Her world.  Some of which makes me smile, and some makes me sad, but everything makes me want to remain Her loyal devoted little boy and serve Her as best that I can.  Her strength and positivity makes me respect and admire Her.  She has shown a great deal of trust in me, which in turn makes me feel trust in Her.


Goddess added several things to the wishlist I shared with Her and I’m looking forward to acquiring them as She wishes.  She asked me to buy two items straight away.  The first is a light projecting sound wave machine which is very cool at night and quite hypnotic.  Goddess had me think about Her as I became mesmerized by the swirling colored lights and that was a very arousing experience indeed.


The other item I shall illustrate with a picture right here:



A chastity device…..a small one for sure.  This is a Made in China version ($12.99 on Amazon) but it seems well made and thankfully I got the right size!  It’s the first time I have tried a metal one and so far so good.  Goddess had me wear it from last Sunday to Tuesday first of all and I had no issues with it.  I’m wearing it now again since Friday while Goddess was away taking a long weekend trip.  It seemed only right to be locked for Her while She was away.  Once She has told me to lock, my pledge is that I will only ever remove it when She specifically tells me to do so.


The design is certainly different from other devices I have had.  Far more restrictive for me yet it’s true what I have read elsewhere – smaller is better.  I like the lack of bulk to it especially in bed at night.  It’s lightweight and comfortable and easy to keep clean so there is no reason why I can’t wear it for as long as Goddess wishes it.


I’m looking forward to getting the other things that Goddess placed on the list as well.  There are some toys and a really beautiful looking collar along with a very nice looking leash.  I’m very excited where Goddess is going to lead me.


As I mentioned, Goddess has had the weekend away, and I will be honest….i missed Her a lot!  I have become very used to chatting with Her throughout the day (though we have a 2 hour time difference which I always have to remind myself of – I’m considering a 2nd clock for my house….lol).  I think that just underlines for me how lucky I am that such an amazing Goddess chooses to spend Her time on me.  I am very grateful and appreciative for the attention that She gives me.  She makes me feel so cared for, and in turn that makes me feel more submissive and obedient to Her, desperately wanting to make Her pleased and proud to say i am Her obedient little boy.


After last week’s blog where I wrote about fantasies, I think I inadvertently excited Goddess smiley  The idea of controlling my finances seemed something She really desires and She asked me to give Her my bank log in information so She could keep a check on me.  And I did!  I gave Her my login info and that is something I have never done or even considered with anyone else.  Was that crazy?  Maybe so but it emphasizes the trust I have for this incredible Goddess.  Also shows the difficulty I have in telling Her ‘no’.  The idea of disappointing Her or denying Her what She wants makes me extremely sad.


As it turned out She hasn’t been able to use the information as my bank defaults to 2 factor authentication when out of my usual geographical area.  But i’m sure we will return to this subject in the not too distant future.  It’s a heady mixture of excitement and nervousness for me to think about Goddess taking some kind of financial control over me.


I’m still finding out and discovering things about Goddess and I love every single thing She shares with me.  I remain Under Consideration with Her – 3 weeks today, and if you read Her blog on the subject then you will know as I do that this will likely continue for a while yet.  And, having myself rushed into things in the past, I am perfectly happy with that.  i want Her to be happy and sure before moving forward further with me. 


She makes me so happy being with Her.  I had a dental appointment the other day and as the Nurse was about to put something unspeakable in my mouth, she asked me why I was smiling!  I didn’t even realize I was but i didn’t tell her I was thinking about my awesome dream Goddess heart

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Love this! Thank you little one 💋
Like October 23, 2018
easily led
smiles....i am so happy You enjoyed it Goddess. You are an incredible Goddess, and i still can't believe how lucky i am to belong to You 💕
Like October 23, 2018