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Cash Verified Slaves
by on September 24, 2018

There are three factors in this science, and I have thought about this quite a bit. 
The factors: male, the coin, and Female. 

It is a simple science, but with many different variances. They all depend on the type of person the male or Female are. That in general will decide on where the person chooses to sit. Do mind this can change at any time as humanity and a person weak or strong is never the same day to day. 

What I mean by saying never the same is that it is human nature to choose what we would like to do. Even males have choices, which is not welcomed by many, do keep in mind they are human too. Although mostly pet like humans (to Me at least). 
So on the “Female side” W/we have various persons and personalities. Ranging from, but not limited to the Dominate Woman, the Business Woman, the Spoiled Woman, and any type of Woman that can be fathomed in a person’s head.  Be it as it may W/we will place them on the heads side of the coin. For being naturally superior they shall take the rightful place. A Woman is free to be any and or all of these at any given time, it is acceptable and up to Her decision. 

Now reflect on that for a minute that is just a coin heads side up with a whole lot of value to it. We as Women are strong, passionate, and are to be worshiped. We do as we please, and move as we wish. Some choose to go about it in very different ways than Myself or others, but none the less POWERFUL. 

Then there is the male side of the coin; well W/we will call it the “other side” but only for the sake of knowing not every submissive is male. So essentially you have this side also. On this side there are many types of submissive as well, and they too change from interactions and personality in time. It is human nature. So variance is always a factor. Be that as it may also they can be, but are not limited to being a slave, a submissive, an inferior being, a man, a boy, a fetishist, and so on. 
So now that you have a slight understand of the factors in the science open your mind a minute. Think what could I be getting at? Is this a game? Is this actually a plausible theory? That is up to you to decide, but I do find it very plausible Myself. 

In human nature it is widely accepted to play games as entertainment. Oh, but not to play games with people as your entertainment, at least in the vanilla world, NOT. W/we are constantly playing games and making moves. Part of the coin theory every day.   Mind, manipulation, and give and take while dangling the dollar, and fighting for that coin. There are some out there that value themselves over the coin, on both sides though. Although these factors may jump around they are the ones who never sit on the coin. Why? They value their respect, and their integrity at an intensely high level. I feel these are the elites, the unbreakable, because of having pride in oneself on either side is acceptable in My eyes. 

So in My science of the coin on the table here is the uncut look from My point of view. 

Example one: 

A Woman with no title in a vanilla setting has morality, modesty, and respect for Herself and Her time. She is in a line at a coffee shop and has ordered an iced coffee, but seems to have misplaced her credit card. The male behind her in the line has not seen the Woman’s face, but over hears the situation. She is running late for work, and starts to get flustered and just wants to leave. 

So we put Her on the side of the coin we call the Female side. She is proper and respects that She had made a mistake misplacing something She needed. So steps aside to take care of trying to cancel the card. 

As the male in line behind Her has sensed the frustration the loss of an important item has caused he then decided to ask the Barista what She was ordering while the Woman is on the phone sorting out the issue. Promptly he orders Her drink and his coffee. Delivering it to her with a light smile and a and a short sweet, “Hope things work out, Miss.” 

Those can be game changers, not only is it selfless, but it lifts the Woman’s mood, esteem, and lightens the load. That is what it is about. So where would this male land in respects to the coin? I would have to say far from sitting on it. What are a few bucks, other than just that, nothing of course as long as it lifts a Woman to her rightful place and makes it easier to do all that She must to carry such superiority. 

Example Two: 

Another type of Woman, many like to refer to as “instas” are still Women, but W/we all have our own opinions. They often seek out with questions like, “What do you like? What are you into? What fetish gets you going?” Do NOT confuse this with the Business Woman. Although they can be similar typically the “insta” is only out for one thing, money. So they sit on the coin and cater to whatever fantasy the “other side” wants. Oh the other side of the coin does come to rule these types. 
Money is wonderful, of course, but making money is an art. Making it is what a Business Woman does. Usually it will be through exploration. Hell there is a fine line between a Business Woman and an “insta”. The Business Woman knows how to make money, and does not chase the money. It simply comes. 

On the other hand chasing money is something that these coin sitters do all too often. That can change as every person changes. With an open mind and understanding of proper placing, and the game being played. So both of these types are on the coin and that is their place. Yet there are many positions on the coin. 

For instance, the Business Woman is more towards the “Female side” whereas the “insta” tends to fall very closely to the “other side”. Why? I feel it is due to pride and self-worth. The Business Woman sees Herself as a valuable asset and respected person. The “insta” sees the potential for buck, and it fuels the fire to try to smoke the “other side” out with fetishes and forced role playing. 

Now who is to say who is right and wrong? Not Me. I do hope you are getting the point though. Note: If you are seeking a true dominate, or to be dominated than these are not options you should be looking at. This is service in two very different ways. Mostly to assist fetishist persons from the other side of the coin for gain. 

Example Three: 

Coin sitting is NOT only done by the “Female side” (gasps). I am sure some of you are sitting there in awe wondering where I am going with this. Let’s say there is a Domme, a very lovely Domme who I trying to get attention. We all love attention (right).   

Well at least from the right people. Then we have “dumbsubnr1” and he is on a mission to serve. Oh the times this has happened. The person wishes to be owned and serve under a strong Woman. Yes! 

So the approach taken to talk to the Domme it wants so badly to be able to take Her name in its highest glory-supposedly enters Her inbox with, “Ruin me, humiliate me, take it all.” 

Alright now think. Is this selfless? It sounds pretty self-serving to Me. Am I right Ladies? 
Well here is the problem. This boy is on the coin too. Exactly more towards the “other side” of the coin which is NOT an acceptable place to be- IF – a person claims to be submissive, a slave, or wanting anything long term as far as servitude. Recognize the flags. Avoid them, or reclaim who you really are. 

So boy gets a message back from the Domme implying he is out for himself, which some are out to fulfill their fantasies rather than actually submit to a dominate Woman. So be true to who you are boy, just admit if you relate to this you are either a fetishist, or need to reassess your status. 

As long as your status is clear then there are thousands of options, and things to explore. Nothing is wrong with being a fetishist, and it can be a weight off your shoulders knowing there is no commitment. In My opinion these boys are widely accepted, if and when they present themselves as what they really are. 

On the “Female side” a Domme can be a Business Woman, an enforcer, a life partner, and the list will never end. Yet a Business Woman cannot be an “insta” but the “insta” can evolve into a Business Woman.  Just as well as on the “other side” can evolve also, but through understanding. Remember it is a game, and our pieces are constantly moving. 

Personally there is no exact science to it other than there are millions of possibilities, and you make your own moves. Some moves more fulfilling than others, and some more profitable. I will stay on the “Female side” of the coin just because the coin itself has little to no value unless My counterpart on the “other side” can see why I am planting My piece here, but will move when I want to move. Not for them, not for a few measly bucks, but for the pleasure of being served properly. That is when I will decide My move. Cater to My fetishes, and maybe someday I make a move for gracious reasons once it has earned it in My eyes. 

Just remember the position on the coin is always up to you. Just make it clear as to who you are. 

Just a theory of Mine, but I do see it very clearly in millions of ways day in and day out. Enjoy, and explore yourselves. 

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