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by on September 17, 2018

"Why don't you have a lot of photos of your tributes? Is it because you don't get them?"

It has been a little over a week ago that I received the question from a sub passing by. Ignorance always brings a quick chuckle then quickly tossed aside. However this topic has crossed many ladies by either other ladies or subs at some point and will continue. Thus educating the foolish and simply the shy naive that innocently ponder is the only way to help them grow.

Tributes come in many forms from gifts to monetary amounts. The value of what a male tributes can differ from one to another. That also goes to the frequency one may send than another. Which can only mean each male also has different feelings on it being show cased. There are males that like being discreet. As long as they know they are pleasing her that is all that matters. It can be for many reasons. Though typically one of the following three

1. Overall discreetness in case their kink life crosses their vanilla life

2. Preventing ladies reaching out to them asking for tributes because they've seen what they have done

3. Prefer no limelight for something they whole heartedly feel is what they ought to be doing.


What does that have to do with whether a Domina shares what she receives? She can just post without naming, it's no biggie, right? Wrong. It may vary why a beauty may not post all her tributes. You have those that post everything, you have those that post most, you have those that choose a select portion from certain boys and then you have the ones who only post every so often when we are in the mood to share. The above 3 reasons or any other reason relating to why a sub may not enjoy having their tribute sent plastered every where can play a part in the determining factor as to why a Domina may not post every thing she receives. 

As for me, it is a mix of many things why I do not share every tribute but rather a select few when I am just in a really giddy mood. It's no ones business what my boys send me. I enjoy building personal connections with each that serve me because that bond is far different than when a community boy tributes me. I like building on what we hold and for me it also helps in wrapping them around my finger more. They receive pics if it's something I can wear. They receive clips when I am spending what they've sent. It's a way to program them and having them remember it's about me. I am the priority. Rather than getting a big head. Now yes if I get a boy who does not careso much about discreetness then I would use that to my entertainment. 


Now to take this full circle. As we've coved, not sharing every tribute does not mean they are not received. Just like every tribute shared does not mean it is legit. Yes, many are, more than 98%. However some at times are not. In fact there have been times where it has been outed that a particular tribute someone has shared is not. Whether it be stolen pictures, to photo shopping down to the amount being sent is just the indivdual sending their self an x amount to show it as a received tribute. I personally have experienced a Domina who would always post on her fb, twitter all these amounts of monetary tributes received only to be asking Dommes to borrow money to pay bills because they didn't have the money.


So before trying to judge whether ladies are more "popular" than others. Remember it is from what you may believe. Besides if you are basing your decision to serve on how many tributes a lady receives then you should sit back and educate yourself a bit along with gaining more expereince. As none of that should be your determining factor because what we receive has nothing to do with you. What YOU do for us is what matters!



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In the past I posted them all . I own subs and they are My Pets, my confidants and yes my humble servants, with that at times I do post sentimental stuff on here. Lots were deleted brining me to the conclusion of heck- why? Not the sentimental stuff as that I have + them I own. In the future, I thin... View more
Like September 20, 2018