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Cash Verified Slaves
by on March 22, 2016
Hello, everyone. I hope that you're all having a relaxing, and fulfilling evening. After doing a bit of reading, with time for reflection, I thought that I'd write a little something, for those that are curious to get to know me a bit better.

During the last few months, I've been lurking, and just hanging out on kink related sites, and not dabbling so much. My family dynamic has changed, and with less time on my hands, I prefer to dedicate my chances to feel more like “myself,” seeking real experiences that leave me feeling refreshed, energized, and satisfied. Which is, of course, what is this all about.

Most of that has come from reading, and trying to learn from those that are more experienced. I see my mischief as a fun opportunity to learn more about myself, so I'm going to get as much out of it as I can!

I've feel far more relaxed, since I've been back, and I'm ready to take on potential submissive. I don't want to collect, and I don't believe in “velcro collars.” What I someone that is after something worthwhile, preferably older, and knows what he needs. I want a submissive that yearns to better himself, through his service; I want a puppet that truly knows what it means to be submissive, rather than serving oneself.

Anywho, that's all for now, I'm going to do a little more reading.
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