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Cash Verified Slaves
by on August 29, 2018

When submitting to a Financial Dominatrix, be in a stable situation. Are your bills pay, food on the table, clothing on your back and have a certain amount put back for this fetish? Have you taken the time to budget your life in general? Do you have a job? Are you willing to get a second one? Are you willing to invest to grow your income to feed this fetish?

Yes, these are the questions I will ask and sometimes demand of a new submissive. There is a reason that I have gotten successful at this. I create content on both my website and other profiles online to attract the right people.

I have no interested in men looking for free porn, dirty items or time wasters. Men who tend to me may have families and a career. However, they know I have no interest in messing with that. I may even help him fix his marriage but if he wants a divorce that his responsibility. If I budget his finances I make sure that he has an amount for me and an amount for his family. I take a look at his extras and go from there.

There is a reason these people come to me. It is because you won't catch me begging them to pay my bills. I pay them myself. If he wants to adopt a bill he will pay through my adult site or a wire-transfer if I trust him enough. I don't depend on him.

Men have enough woman whining at them when the google anything online. If you want him to serve you, set yourself apart and show him what you can do without him. If he wants to be a part of if fine, let him but make him work for it.

Submission to me has to be earned. I won't collar you, put you under consideration or even publicly admit you are part of my farm until you have made an effort to show me you can be something of interest. I am too busy to babysit.

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