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Pauley playtoy-OwnedByPB
by on June 30, 2018

including Friend Requests and Messages.

I continue to get frequent friend requests and mesages from dommes wanting me to take an interest in them, apparently. As for friends, it is not unusual for owned subs to have domme friends. But as my profile clearly says, I cannot be friends with other dommes. Mistress Pauley has reserved that right for herself and those she allows.

Messages trying to chat me up are also not welcome. I am not available to chat with dommes. Mistress Pauley has never said I cannot chat with dommes but I know better withour her saying that. Admittedly, my profile did not say not to Message me but it does now.

I myself do not care if dommes Friend me or Message me. They can all be declined. But sub poaching is a serous problem with dommes. Now, as a domme, you may not have any inattention of poaching me, I am not accusing anyone of that. But as my profile is clearly matked "hands off", you should respect that.

Finally, it seems many of the dommes who approach me are new and not familiar with either the rules or my situation. But then, they won't read my blogs either so this post may be a waste of time.

There, got that off my chest.

Thank you, Mistress Pauley, I worship you, Mistress.


sorrysub aka slave

Topics: poaching
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Ms. Pauley Belle
or even better, they check my profile page after my subs, and still say they did not know he is owned. smh (Le sigh)
Like July 8, 2018
Princess Isabella
I don´t agree often with a sub, but this is 1000% true - A shame, how some ladies offer themselves, so sad!
Like July 9, 2018
Well spoken. If a Domme cannot respect another Domme's property, then there is a serious problem. Your dedication and loyalty to Ms Pauley is definitely admirable.
Like July 9, 2018
Yep! Have some respect Domme's. If someone is claimed they are claimed that's it. Your dedication to Ms. Pauley is awsome....slaves take note.
Like July 9, 2018