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Cash Verified Slaves
by on June 28, 2018

New Ladies, there is NO shame in knowledge before action!
Every single one of Us started somewhere, and most have experienced the trial-by-error that's really necessary to evolve toward success. There is a PLETHORA of info--both in and outside of this site--and that alone leaves You with no excuse to NOT study up and self-protect from immediately getting played. The sad fact is, there are boys everywhere that ENJOY taking advantage when they sense they can. There are boys who specifically single out new members to see what they can get for free because, sometimes, it's very obvious when a new Domme hasn't got Her bearings yet, and tries to play without. Don't be that easy mark. Understand the journey you're embarking on, utilize the forum and blogs, observe with an open mind, and explore the vast sea of resources available on the net--asking questions or admitting you don't know EVERYTHING is not a dent in Your pride! 
'Education first' is a smart and lucrative model for going about business. Knowledge really IS power, and You (and You alone) are responsible for your success or failure!

While a 'Cash Verified' badge it is NOT 100% indicative that a sub will pay you (because subs generally don't pay everyone), it IS usually a good sign and in your best interest to deal with subs who have cash verified and support the site. You can tell a sub has cash verified by viewing his profile badge, or exploring the info tab on his profile.

It would be remiss of Me to not include this very important bit of advice: ALWAYS make sure a submissive is not already Under Consideration or Owned by another Domme, before friend requesting, messaging, or asking for anything from him!! There are usually many very obvious clues on a sub's profile, be it posted on his wall, in his 'about me', or listed in the 'info tab'. It is your responsibility to do the work to ensure you're not stepping on toes, or you WILL get called out. Respect for other Ladies is key and, remember, poaching is gross and desperate, as well as a bannable offense!!

I'm adding links to a few great blogs that cover some necessary basics; there are TONS more all over the site and it would take Me way too much time to link them all--it's about time You started doing Your own footwork, anyway, huh?! This is YOUR success, after all ;)
Seasoned Dommes, please feel free to add your two helpful cents!

One final thought: As a cam verifed member of this site this site, if a subs says you have to prove yourself on cam to him, tell him to see the verified badge on your profile!! There is no reason it's ever necessary to do that and, often times, anyone demanding that is just trying to sneak a free peek!




Understanding Consent

Sex Work Approved Payment Options/TOS

Greedy: A Guide to Financial Domination Kindle Edition

Royal Upgrade Info: The Royal Upgrade is AWESOME TO HAVE. The ability to PM in chat is an invaluable feature, and it's nice to be able to track profile visits/vistors. The Royal Upgrade costs $50/6months, $75/year, and $200/lifetime. If you're interested in upgrading, DM @admin here for sending detail.


24 people like this.
Yes. And for god sakes, don't 'own' non-verified subs after an hour...or a day...or any period of time, because they're site slackers
Like April 7, 2019 Edited
the silent member
You are absolutely right Miss Alley. And we have been seeing that a bit more lately. Still, gives us the occasional laugh.
Like April 7, 2019
A lot of very helpful tips and information. Thank you for sharing!
Like July 5, 2019
There is no shame in admitting I'm having problems with re-entry. These were extremely helpful thank you Miss Alley.
Like July 30, 2019