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Cash Verified Slaves
by on May 26, 2018

I thought I'd share tips,tricks,hints,how tos, and app/software recommendations for the D.I.Y. (do it yourself) photographer. I'll be continually adding to this blog as new things come to My mind to share. Please feel free to ask questions or make suggestions based on your experiences.

I am an android user but will post iOS app links when possible for apps.


App Recommendations:

I'm loving Tool Wiz Photos. It allows you to easily resize photos,do all the things you'd need for a quick photo on the go without cracking open the laptop for the more in depth software and it also has fast filters comparable to IG. It has the very cool feature of allowing you to choose which level of quality you want to save the edited photo, which allows you compress a photo meet the smaller photo dimensions required for the latest update; while retaining a great deal of complexity. 

Play Store

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Miss North
If I may add, VSCO Cam is a great photo editing app. There's many free filters of a wide variety (and I've bought a few sets as well - definitely worth it). You can also very easily edit your photos and there's lots of settings you can adjust. When you go to save your photo you can choose what size ... View more
Like May 29, 2018
Miss North
Oh poop, I posted before I intended to lol. For those that like to post their photos to Instagram but don't want to cut their photo down, InstaSize is a good app for that. It has very cute borders, many for free. And the ones that aren't, well I just Google the image then upload it to the app lol. Y... View more
Like May 29, 2018