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Sadistic Whiskey
by on May 23, 2018

How does one navigate the vanilla world as a Domme without going crazy? You must take it day by day. It’s not that the vanilla world is horrible, but it can be exhausting. Small mundane things like updating your resume can be a real pain and figuring out how to answer every Domme’s favorite question, “what is it that you do for work?” I wish I was able to just say the truth and be done with it but sadly that isn’t how it works. Our society is very prudish and shuns women who are open about their sexuality and that take control of their bodies. Then you add a woman who is dominant on top of that and society goes crazy. It is not ok for women to have multiple sex partners if she wants to. It is not ok for a woman to enjoy sex. It is not ok for a woman to find pleasure in sex but not want to have children. It is not ok for a woman to dress provocatively and expect to be treated with respect. It not ok for a woman to not want to submit to a man. It is not ok for a woman to not want a man. This is how our society has raised young women.


I am one of those young women all grown up and wishing society would shove it. I should be able to put on my resume that I am a Domme. The skills that I’ve gained since becoming a Domme are skills that I would not have attained in one place in the vanilla world. I have gotten better at networking, customer service, multi-tasking, and supervising others. I am learning more about marketing and that will forever be ongoing, as well as editing for pictures and videos. All this work is primarily done by me. I maintain all my own profiles, social media accounts, and my website. I am not the only Domme out there that does, and our hard work should not be diminished just because what we do happens to fall under sex work.


I wish I did not have to skirt around what my job is or give half answers to those who ask what I do without having to worry about negative consequences for my friends, family, and myself. What I do is perfectly legal, and I should not be made to feel ashamed of it. I am proud of what I do and why shouldn’t I be? Thanks to my work, I am more confident, and I demand to be treated a certain way by people in my life or they can leave. I do not tolerate disrespect and I know my worth. I had yet to find that at any previous job and there is no way in hell that I will let go of that now just because what I do makes the prude vanilla society uncomfortable.