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by on March 27, 2016
Along with my Tattoos for Noobs post, I decided to write a Tattoo Etiquette guide, for those of you new to the world of tattooing, or old hands who have since forgotten how to operate in the polite tattoo world.

Do not touch unless you are given explicit permission. Like the BDSM world, it is typically considered poor manners to touch someone in order to "see" their tattoos unless you have been given permission to do so. If you ask to "see" someone's tattoo, do not then grab them by the applicable limb and twist them about in order to get a better view. Additionally, if you ask to "see" a tattoo, and it requires the owner of the tattoo to move some item of clothing out of the way, do not feel free to remove or relocate that item of clothing for them. If they are feeling like sharing, they are competent to rearrange their own clothes.

Unless you know someone REALLY well, do not, under any circumstances, point out how bad their work is. Seriously, you'd think this would be a no brainer, but it's clearly not. If someone has a piece of work that's less than stellar (and I don't know any heavily tattooed person that hasn't had at least one "starter" mistake and/or a cover up) don't go pointing it out over and over again, or teasing that person. It's depressing and kind of shitty when something PERMANENT goes terribly wrong, and whether the bad tattoo was a result of poor decision making or inexperience, let he who has never made a poor decision cast the first stone.

If you do have tattoos, don't compare your work to the work of others in their presence. You may think your work is as good as mine...It's not, unless I tell you it is. I may think my work is better than yours, and you don't. Either way comparing tattoos is a little like comparing body parts. "My tits are just as nice as yours!" is probably not going to lead to a positive feeling in at least one party, and maybe both.

If you must snark about other people's tattoos, wait until they've left the room, and do it quietly, and especially don't do it in a public forum. Seriously, another no brainer right? It's not the same as talking shit about someone's bad outfit, you're talking shit about a permanent decision that someone probably ascribes some personal meaning to. Yeah, I snark all the time, I probably talk about how bad your tattoos are, but at least I have the courtesy to do it in private, and not publicize that I think your work is crap.

If you are not tattooed, don't open a conversation with a tattooed person about how awesome/hot/sexy/amazing their tattoos are. Guess what? We've heard it all before, it's the most unoriginal come-on and/or conversation starter we frequently get. Working in a compliment about someone's body art later in a conversation is acceptable, but again, be subtle. Coming up to me and saying "Your tattoos are amazing" is about equivalent to saying "Your tits are amazing!" I know they are, I've heard it before, and it doesn't really make me think you're interested in anything beyond the superficial.

It is perfectly ok to ask a tattooed friend advice on the process of getting a tattoo. Want a recommendation for a good artist? Sure. Want to know how to best develop an idea to turn it into custom artwork? Please ask. Don't ask me where or what to get tattooed on your body. I don't care.

Do not stop a busy tattooed person in the market, at a coffee shop, or interrupt them during a phone call to try and talk to them about their tattoos. I don't care how interested you are, if I'm busy, I don't have the patience to indulge your curiosity.

You can stare, I understand. But be prepared for me to flip you the bird.

Don't ask me what I think of your tattoos, unless you want a real, down to earth, honest (and probably painful) answer. I'm sure it means something special and important to you, but I'm hyper-critical of bad art, poor technique, and your neediness.

**As always my blogs are cross posted from my personal blog and not written for any specific community. Read more of my blogs at:**
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