Cam Verified Domme
Cam Verified Domme
Cam Verified Domme
Cam Verified Domme
Cam Verified Domme
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I have a bone to pick. While I am one to listen to my subs wants and desires, I feel that sometimes subs think they are telling me what to do. In reality they are topping from the bottom. When I asked for their wants and desires there is a right way and a wrong way. The ideas should be in a non confrontational way of telling the Dominant. If you are truly a submissive then you need to be real with yourself and check to make sure you are not trying to top the Dominant. I always directly ask the sub if they are topping me to really ask themselves if being a submissive is really what they want or is it maybe being a switch is more like themselves. If they still insist on sending you "ideas" then as a Dominant you need to guide them and see if they really mesh with your style of Dominating. Not everyone is going to fit in with your style. Sometimes you may need to let them move on if both of you can not come to an agreement. I believe that each of us has a niche that we prefer in our subs. Sometimes if you are a ProDomme realize that money is not in the best interest for the both of you. You will become disillusioned and evetually not enjoy your time with said submissives. Now obviously this is my opinion, so hopefully I don't get ridiculed.
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