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Cash Verified Slaves
by on April 27, 2018

After reading another of Miss Morrigans Blogs I was going to type a really long reply, so I thought it would be easier just to write my own blog. I have noticed more and more recently on various fetish sites I receive derogatory comments whenever I mention that I am a professional, a pro-Domme, a findomme, that I do what I do for a monetary outcome, a business transaction. Let me explain that a little further shall I. Unlike a lot of other Domme's who I highly respect I do not use the line "tribute before you dare enter my private messages", because I feel it is a false economy, for so many reasons, some of the best subs I have had over 2 decades came about through conversations about different subjects, because I answered a message sent directly to my pm's. I got to know them, weaved my magic web, caught them, trapped them, stung them with my black widow venom, and kept them there for eternity, all were made aware how I work within the first 5 minutes, I never demanded money or be blocked all still serve me. 
Now back to my first comment, "I do what I do for a monetary outcome, a business transaction." Yes this is ultimately true, the questions I ask, are all to find out your status, job, income, family etc, whether you will be viable, BUT that is not to say I do not love what I do, that is not to say I do not love the power, the kinks, the fetishes, the interactions, being the puppet Mistress, pulling all the strings of my marionettes and making them dance! I would not still be here for this amount of time if I hated what I did, just the same as in a vanilla job if you hated it you would quit. Unlike some of the Domme's who bullshit about the amount they make, the amount of subs they have serving them, (like new girls who appear on Twitter who swear and scream "where are all my fucking pigs etc etc" when they literally heard about findom yesterday and have 6 followers) I don't I cannot see the point, what you see is what you get with me. I will be something I am not for you or anybody else, mainly because I do not need to be, I have been this amazing my entire life so why go changing now?
Recently though just as there are girls claiming to be Dommes, there are men claiming to be subs, when all they want is to argue, and to see if they can get one over on a strong woman. I had one such "discussion" yesterday with a so called switch, who claimed findommes are the scurge of the fetish lifestyle just gold digging whores I believe he called us, I asked him what he did for a living, he owns an Insurance company. So I asked him if he was having a meeting with a client was it because he liked the client or because he wanted his business? He said because he wants his business, so I asked if the client told you he was looking for a deal to insure his $3million yacht would you buy him dinner? Yes of course I want the business. What about if he said he needed to think about it call him in the morning. I would call him. 
So this carry's on for 2 weeks, you have called him 10 times, spent £220 on expenses for meals, perhaps 7 hours of your life in total so far to secure the business, then he calls and says he forgot he does not need to renew for another 11 months. How would you feel?
He said Fucking pissed off, angry, used let me stop you right there, I said. How do you know he even had a yacht? He might do this with every Insurance broker in town.
This is why a Mistress/Domme tells you how she works in the first few minutes of a conversation, because we put up with time wasters like that every single day. So called subs wasting our time, energy, which could be best spent elsewhere. You see I am a professional this is MY business and time IS my most precious commodity. We are not the scurge of the lifestyle we just spend with those who will VALUE it as much as we do. For those we will bend over backwards, we teach, train, indulge, adore, love, humiliate, punish, dominate, and encapsulate everything they want from a true D/s relationship which will last years.

Needless to say he was begging to send me a tribute which I have to say surprised and pleased me, and we have set up a real time session to meet up in 2 weeks. 

Those of us who devote our time to this lifestyle 24/7 some days deserve a medal for all the crap we deal with. From subs with serious mental health problems like manic depression and suicidal thoughts, to subs who message 300 times a day, subs who think that a £20 tribute means they can message you whenever they feel like it, or subs who tributed once 6 months ago and claim online they are owned by you and use that 1 tribute to you as proof that they PAY (ffs), or the I will send it on payday mob, the like every photo/post but never tribute mob, those who suddenly feel I want to "quit" findom but keep speaking to you, don't get me wrong there are those fabulous I have just had a £1500 tribute days, then there are the wow only £15 today, hourly wage can range from 0 to £100 per hour................

Moral of the story I work to make YOUR dreams. fetishes, kinks come true.
YOU pay to make MINE come true.