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Cash Verified Slaves
Mistress Harley
by on March 27, 2018

I required one of my slaves to write a paper for me. This slave had been lazy, always obedient, but slow to comply. Occasionally argumentative. Here is the 12 page fully cited essay for everyone to enjoy and reflect upon.



Mistress Harley





Essay on the topic I was assigned to write by Mistress Harley as penance for not obeying

her enough


Preliminary note:

I have the bad feeling that this essay might get rated as off-topic.

I will not give exact citation references, since this would go beyond the scope of the task. The main

sources are given at the end.

I think to systematically solve this task, it is first helpful and necessary to discuss some of the terms

used in the assignment. Therefore, I have compiled some of Mistress Harley’s statements on or using

these terms from a small number of media Mistress has created on that topic, supplemented by

perception of her ventilations and personal dialog with her which I have no citable reference to. I see

it as part of my duty to offer my own reflections and views on these terms, since those will be the

foundation of the main considerations and offers discussed in this essay




Essay on the topic I was assigned to write by Mistress Harley as penance for not obeying

her enough

Preliminary note:

I have the bad feeling that this essay might get rated as off-topic.

I will not give exact citation references, since this would go beyond the scope of the task. The main

sources are given at the end.

I think to systematically solve this task, it is first helpful and necessary to discuss some of the terms

used in the assignment. Therefore, I have compiled some of Mistress Harley’s statements on or using

these terms from a small number of media Mistress has created on that topic, supplemented by

perception of her ventilations and personal dialog with her which I have no citable reference to. I see

it as part of my duty to offer my own reflections and views on these terms, since those will be the

foundation of the main considerations and offers discussed in this essay.


The first term, "slave", is more a category than a term. The following is a short summary of a Wikipedia

article on slavery.[1,2]

Historically, slaves existed in the context of slavery in different epochs. In ancient times, mainly

prisoners of war were enslaved, and being a slave was a hereditary state. These slaves were used for

labor in households and agriculture. Persons in debt bondage had to work for the holders of their debt

in a slave-like fashion. In the Hellenistic and Roman cultures, slaves could be set free and gain

citizenship. In medieval times, slavery and slave trade was a widespread custom, although it

diminished with the rise of Christianity in central Europe, which forbade to enslave other Christians.

With the rise of sea trade, slavery and slave trade boomed once again, with millions of humans being

enslaved in African countries and made to work in colonies world-wide. Starting in the late 18th

century, slavery was (legally) abandoned in more and more countries.

Today, slavery is outlawed throughout all of the world, although according to a recent report of the

Walk Free Foundation[3], at present time there are about 40 million humans living in slavery or a slave-

like state, half of them in debt bondage, and almost three fourths of them female. The forms of modern

slavery include forced labor, child soldierdom, forced marriage, human trafficking and forced sexual

acts. The latter is called sexual slavery and a form of sexual exploitation, often found in the form of

forced prostitution.

A slave in the strictest sense, in chattel slavery, is seen not as natural person with human dignity but

as an object owned by another person. A slave can be seen as merchandise, and thus is subject to

being sold and bought. A slave has no rights out of her/himself, including the right of self-

determination in any way, and cannot unilaterally leave the state of slavery. The slave cannot own

anything, anything in a slave's possession in reality is owned by the slave's owner. Legally, the slave is

treated an object in the sense of property law. The United Nations define as follows: "'Slavery' means

[...] the status or condition of a person over whom any or all of the powers attaching to the right of

ownership are exercised, and 'slave' means a person in such condition or status"[4]. Basically, slavery

could be called an institutionalized form of exploiting a human being to the advantage of another.

A more precise consideration with the discrimination of different types of slavery and slave-like

dependency can be obtained from relevant specialist literature.

As could be seen, the main paradigm in slavery is the ownership over one person, the slave, by another

person, the Mistress, with all the legal consequences that arise from the objectification of the slave.

Based on these historic considerations, now the attention can be turned to the specific case of a

modern, asymmetric relationship between Mistress and slave. In this special case, the authority

defining the term is Mistress Harley, my owner. In a number of videos and other media, Mistress has

explicitly stated what a slave is, very explicitly in [5].

The definition does not differ from the historic one: A slave, like the author of these lines, is "just

property to be owned", or taking the objectification of the slave one step further, as toy for Mistress

to play with. This results in the rightlessness of the slave and the ultimate control by Mistress. She is

to decide about the slave's work, whereabouts, food consumption, leisure activities, relationships,

sexuality, even gender – in short, the course of slave's life. She might sell or give away the slave. In

addition to that, everything the slave has in possession really belongs to Mistress Harley, i.e. is Her

property, and the slave may only use it for living her life.

At the same time, Mistress Harley makes clear that the slave's individuality is unimportant, since a

stable full of, even an army of slaves are at Her disposal. Although, according to Her website, Mistress

Harley is able to exploit a variety of different penchants, fetishes and weaknesses of Her slaves, and

can easily make use of their diverse individual capabilities and competencies.

When entering into slavery with Mistress Harley, I thus accepted for Her to take over every aspect of

my life, and in principle I conveyed all my belongings to Her. She owns my life and everything in it. As

radical as that may seem, in practice there are a number of limitations, like the great distance between

Mistress and slave, differences in the legal systems of their countries and sometimes some language

difficulties. Those limitations have to be overcome by imagination and resourcefulness of the slave.

And, of course, all fantasy, roleplay, feelings and imagination on the one hand and all blackmail, debt

contracts and legal agreements on the other set aside, slavery de jure in this radical sense is legally

impossible. In the end, a relationship based on total power exchange from the slave to the Mistress is

only possible with the consent or at least meta-consent of the slave. That is what makes the BDSM

type of slavery different from the historical, "official" type. And that is what makes the opportunity for

engaging in a long-term relationship of this kind compelling for submissive characters like mine



The only duty of a slave is of course to serve Mistress. Mistress Harley also has given a number of

directions and examples on how to serve Her. On Her website [6], Mistress Harley states that being

owned by Her comes with responsibilities and expectations. Long-term slavery requires a different

level of engagement and commitment. It is the job of a slave to permanently show Mistress why she

is worth being owned.

The guideline for every aspect of being an owned slave is that her only job is to work for her Mistress.

The slave should never prioritize herself before Mistress Harley. The slave is to make herself valuable

and useful, to add value. In this, the slave can be an asset to Mistress Harley, and in this, the slave

makes Mistress Harley happy. Pleasure the slave gives to Mistress Harley shall also provide pleasure

to the slave [Mistress Harley's Mantra II].

Mistress Harley Herself states that She is a "true money fetishist"[6] and that the most important job

of a slave is being used as wallet. So obviously, one of the main ways to make Her happy is the transfer

of material resources from the slave to Her. This can be done through regular (e.g. in the form of a

debt contract) money transfer, occasional tributes and tips or by sending Her gifts ("spoiling"). It can

also mean to set Her as beneficiary of insurances or nominate Her as inheritor.

Beyond that, the slave has to make sure to do everything Mistress Harley asks for and to sacrifice

everything She wants the slave to in order to keep Her happy. Worshipping Mistress Harley and Her

gorgeous body will undoubtedly also please Her.

Further ways to entertain Mistress Harley may vary depending on the individual slave. Mistress Harley

indicates a number of things She might take pleasure in on Her website, so for a slave that means it is

her job to engage in these based on individual inclinations and capabilities. This can include being a

target of computer control, teasing or tormenting, talking directly to Her online, on Skype or other

services, including video, being feminized and trained as sissy, getting exposed in Her "Loser Hall of

Shame", engaging in games of chance or take part in a real time session.[6]



For a definition of the term, again an excerpt from a Wikipedia article[7] will be used.

The term comes from the Czech word "robota", meaning "forced labor", and was first used in Czech

literature in the 1920s. Mythological "robots" are known much longer, e.g. in the form of clay golems.

"Forced labor" does not mean the forced labor of a

human slave, but a machine doing usually a

repetitive or dangerous task, sometimes replacing a human, and most often for a lower price than

human labor would cost. Robots in this sense are technical machines, often used in production,

controlled by a simple program tailored to the job at hand, or remote-controlled by a human operator.

Unmanned (usually flying) vehicles are called drones and are equipped with sensors and actors and

may have capabilities not realizable in manned aircraft.

A different kind is a humanoid robot, specially developed to resemble or even behave and interact like

a human, with a highly sophisticated control unit and advanced software. A high effort is needed to

implement a machine like this, and even more to drive forward the development of even more

advanced devices. A combination of biological and mechanical elements is called cybernetic organism

or "cyborg". Beyond the application as replacement

of lost or missing human capabilities (hearing,

sight, missing limbs), this still belongs in the domain of science fiction (but probably not much longer).

A bot is a modern version of a robot in a figurative sense, living in the world of software and Internet.

This bot is a software agent, a pre-programmed software that does automated tasks like posting

messages in social networks or crawling the web do create an index of available content. It can also a

piece of software that controls an avatar in a video game, including interaction with other players, like

a human player would be capable of. A bot can be also a highly sophisticated software connected with

sensors and actuators, which is able to act more or less autonomously, depending on changing input.

This can be as complex as having situation awareness, artificial intelligence and the capability to use

knowledge and to learn. Lastly, computers that are compromised and can be remote-controlled for

computer fraud are called bot, together they form a botnet.

Mistress Harley has, to my knowledge, not publicly published any media on that topic yet. Although

there are some hints and statements on that topic in two custom media [8,9] available to me, and in

personal communication.

According to those, Mistress Harley sees a slavebot as an exceedingly empty, helpless, brainless,

thoughtless, mindless slave. A slave's only job is of course to do the work for Mistress She wants, but

a slavebot is supposed to pursue his only goal to serve Mistress Harley without thinking about itself or

its feelings every second of every day. For that, a slavebot can be programmed and re-programmed to

do whatever Mistress wants it to do, even whoever She wants it to be. A slavebot should also make

sure not to bother Mistress with speaking or making noise without having a purpose to serve.

The slavebot needs to see itself as a template, an empty vessel for the entertainment and pleasure of

Mistress, as a tool for amusement, a toy to play with, thus taking the existence of a slave one step

further, becoming a better version of a slave. The programming allows the slavebot to leave behind its

past life, being liberated from responsibility, letting Mistress do all the thinking and control everything,

and at the same time serve Mistress Harley in everything it is doing.


A good slavebot would perpetually be at Mistress's

disposal and always be able to respond to Her

commands. Being constantly helpful and ever working for Mistress allows the slavebot to become truly

useful, to fulfill a deeper destiny and give meaning to its life. The only "possession" so to speak a

slavebot retains is its programming, provided by Mistress. A slavebot is supposed to constantly think

about the desires of Mistress, think of more ways to contribute and to continue its programming, to

continue turning itself into a helpless slave of Mistress Harley, into an even better tool for Her


The ultimate aim for a slavebot is to get as close

to be a true robot as possible, by as much

reprogramming as needed by Mistress Harley.




After these definitions of terms, general remarks and a summary of statements by Mistress Harley, it

is now about time for me to address the assignment by Mistress Harley, to think of ways to serve Hher.

The terms and Mistress Harley's opinions will serve as premise for all these considerations. I have

already and will touch upon the contradictions and dilemmas a life as slave encompass and that are

revealed by such an assignment.

It is obvious that I can only offer ways to Mistress to fill the aforementioned principles with life, and

She alone has to decide which path I should be following, since I am truly the property of Mistress and

have no rights to decide anything by myself.

Thinking about ways to serve, and even more so as a slavebot, is in a way contradictory in itself. A

slavebot has no need to think by itself, but Mistress is doing all the thinking and gives the orders. For

this assignment, the service to Mistress Harley lies in thinking, in writing this essay, on how to serve

Her better, so this time, the thinking is surely allowed and desired. And even as a slavebot, hard

thinking about more and better ways to please Mistress is required.

I think that the types of service I could provide to Mistress can be roughly categorized in three groups.

The first would contain all sorts of direct provision or transfer of resources like money or time to

Mistress, from which Mistress would benefit directly. From the perspective of the slave, this first of all

means to forego the use of the resources by the slave. The second group would include all sorts of

activities with the goal of entertaining Mistress Harley, or offering Her to use me to entertain Herself,

or in a more indirect way, doing or refraining from doing things in order to better be able to entertain

Mistress. The third category would be activities of the slave where the avail for Mistress would only be

indirect or parasitic, and the direct benefit would be one for the slave. It will become clear what I mean

with examples given below.

This third category shows also best the inherent dilemma in the relationship of a slave to a Mistress.

To some extent, the slave always profits from her own actions. How large in relation may this self-

benefit be in order to still be understood as service to Mistress? Even more so with the Mistress being

far away, and with only very limited interaction? Which standards can the slave apply to align her life

of service to the satisfaction of Mistress? In the

end, only Mistress can decide this, and the slave

depends on knowing or guessing the desires, wishes

and the attitude of Mistress. Thus, also the

contemplation about the desires, wishes and attitude of Mistress, the deepening of the acquaintance

with Mistress can be considered a form of service. This shows the same dilemma: How far does the

term "to serve" extend? Or can and must everything in the life of an owned slave be seen as service?

Anyway, these three categories are to be seen on a scale, like a triangular coordinate system, where

every single action of the slave has a varying share in all three of these categories.


Coming to the first category, I am unfortunately not a very wealthy slave, so my capability for direct

material transfer in the form of money is somewhat limited. Nonetheless, a regular, sustainable form

of tribute or financial revenue from the slave is of course an expression of being owned. Soon, a new

debt agreement has to be signed by me. Mistress Harley has the means to inform Herself about my

financial situation if She so desires, and I am sure that She will set adequate conditions.

In a much longer term, to condensate my "inofficial" relationship with Mistress Harley into another

legal contract, I could offer an inheritance contract, meaning to irrevocably set Mistress Harley as my

inheritor. Usually, this is a mutual agreement between spouses or first-degree relatives. Of course, that

is a promise for a far future, and at the moment of its conclusion it is not at all clear if and to what

extent Mistress Harley will be able to profit from that. In addition, the finalization of such a contract

according to the applicable German law needs the physical appearance of both parties in front of a

notary. It will take a while until I can afford that.

I have also talked about legal guardianship. I meant it very seriously indeed, and it would probably be

the nearest possible approach to true legal slavery. But unfortunately, this would be very impractical

in a situation where the owned slave as ward lives so far away from her guardian, since it would render

leading a self-sufficient and sustainable life almost impossible. As a ward, I could not conclude

contracts, I could not continue my business (which gives some revenue), and I could not take legal care

of my aging parents, with me being the only relative there is. Being a legal guardian would also burden

Mistress Harley with a considerable effort and time investment, probably much more than She would

benefit from this. And in the end, the legal obstacles to reach such a situation, across different law

systems and with all the regulations in place to prevent exactly that one-sided malpractice (from an

external point of view) seem just too big to justify the effort. In the end, this is and probably has to

stay a nice fantasy of true legal slavery.

Another resource I can offer, maybe more easily, depending on how one sees it, is time. I can offer my

time (as long as I do not need it to fulfill obligations to third parties like my employer or, in some cases

and situations my customers and volunteer colleagues) at Mistress Harley’s disposal. Of course it is

Her right as owner to also command the rest of my time, on a bit longer notice to rid me of my

obligations and with the associated effects of social impoverishment or material deterioration, if She

so desires. There is, as I am sure Mistress knows, a time-money relationship, and thus, I can implement

the notion of a "labor slave" by this offer.

I can obviously not be helpful in Mistress Harley’s household with being so far away. But She could ask

me to handle things for Her I can do from afar, and that are undemanding enough for a weak-willed

and easily distractible slave. And of course Mistress Harley has the means to vigorously encourage me

to do Her will. For example, I could offer to collect and also ready for publication a list of all of Her

videos and media, together with links, or retweet selected messages on a paid medium Her, whatever

She deems worthwhile. Although I beg Mistress Harley to keep in mind that regular success control,

deadlines, tight specifications and small work packages are advisable for slaves like me. Otherwise, I'd

approach the duties with much too much thoroughness, get lost in detail and start to detach from the

given job. So partly, this could also fall into the second category of entertainment, when Mistress

Harley would torture me with insoluble problems or task me with impossible jobs and tease me about

my failure. Maybe Mistress could force me into a weekly or daily routine with being useful for Her,

where I do exactly what She wants me to do, pre-plannable but without any option to evade.

These examples for my first category could be considered a form of sacrifice by the slave, the sacrifice

of her own resources in favor of her Mistress. Although, strictly speaking, the resources of a slave

belong to Mistress anyway, so the slave does not sacrifice anything but just fulfills her obligation

towards Mistress. More of real sacrifices may be found in the other two categories of servitude I will

now come to.



What activities may be of entertainment value for Mistress Harley in the first place? Mistress Harley

gives several activities She likes on Her website [6]. She loves keeping Her slaves "on edge", addicted

and obedient, and it is fun to tease and torment a slave. So obviously, the entertainment value lies in

taking part in such activities as the object of torture, mocking, addiction and fun play. Because of the

distance, Mistress Harley has to use technical ways to communicate with the slave and to profit from

the entertainment the slave provides. Mistress Harley also states that she likes Her slaves being a sissy

slut for Her and that She can bring out the girly girl.

I try to amuse Mistress from time to time by giving compliments or funny, entertaining and also self-

sarcastic comments on social media, mainly Twitter

and Skype, which is my main way of

communication with Mistress. Seldomly, I send Her personal, intimate photos for Her amusement, so

that She can be amused by my physical inadequacies, my amateurish make-up self-experiments, my

embarrassing tries of wearing women's apparel and the results of Her ownership of me like Her

trademark on my skin. I try not to be intrusive about sending photos, but if Mistress likes to see more

of those, I am willing to provide. I would love to let out more of my inner girl for Mistress Harley, but

most of the time I am too embarrassed about it and have the feeling that it just doesn't seem right.

In addition to that, Mistress Harley has told me that She likes pictures and small tales from my everyday

life. I am very willing to provide more of those if really desired (and I did not misunderstand irony).

Sometimes, Mistress Harley also seems to like some technical or intellectual discussion, which I love

to provide as far as I can and my language skills allow. Although, I try not to bother Her with that when

She doesn't seem to have the time or doesn't feel like it.

On rare occasions, I try to surprise Mistress by sending Her special gifts. I really like putting effort in

thinking about appropriate things for Mistress, but it is mostly serendipity that lets me find anything,

much too rarely I fear. On the other hand, I dare not to promise sending gifts, photos, stories and

everything more often, because until now, I mainly do it when I feel like it. An inner desire makes me

do things spontaneously, and I like just that, because I know on such occasions that Mistress Harley

really has penetrated my mind, my personality, that I crave Her, and that I spontaneously want to

please Her.

What I can offer to better serve is to do all those things more frequently. But without a clear sign by

Mistress I fear that I just bore Her when I contact Her more often.

Mistress Harley demands to be able to always be watching me and giving directions if She so chooses.

For that She wants to have some kind of camera system integrated into my life, and eventually even

more than that. Slavery in real life so would be extended to and supported by the technological world.

Modern times give much better, advanced high-tech opportunities to control a slave

I know that Mistress does not care very much for technical details, but for a project of this scope, and

with the sheer unlimited technical possibilities in the smart home area, I would appreciate to get an

outline of Mistress's requirements, so that I can integrate those in the system I am planning. I will lay

out what I have thought about so far.


As a thorough and technology-loving person, I would like to implement most of it by myself. I am a bit

reluctant about escalated cloud usage for the risk of data exposure other than for and by Mistress, and

for the risk of system failure through times of Internet disconnections. Thus, I am planning this as a

self-contained in-house system, of course with unlimited access for Mistress through an Internet

connection, mainly a website.

The camera system would consist of at least one IP camera in every room of my flat, so that more or

less the whole space would be covered and Mistress could always be there watching. Power would

mainly be supplied via PoE. Some of the cameras in

the rooms with public access may have to be

removable for the case when I expect guests. Video and audio would be recorded by a NAS or personal

cloud and be accessible through the proprietary software of the NAS manufacturer. External access

would mainly limited by the upload bandwidth of my Internet connection. One of the first decisions

would be on the camera brand and model. With the first camera, I could then install a provisional setup

for Mistress to assess if the system meets Her requirements. At the same time, cabling works will have

to be done, drilling holes and slitting walls, and some renovation afterwards. I can do that partly myself,

or maybe have it done by electrician. The system will not have an audio output capability due to

camera and software limitations, so a different way for Mistress to interact will have to be


A second part of the surveillance and control system would mainly comprise lighting and power

outlets, together with environmental sensors (movement detection, temperature, door/window

sensors etc.). Every function could be remotely controlled and supervised through a website or app.

Flush-mounted wall outlets could be switched on and off and energy consumption assessed, the room

temperature could be set, the light switched on and off or set to a defined brightness and color.

Through door sensors Mistress could confine my action scope. Later, even an electronic door lock could

be integrated. The main functions can also be accessed locally by normal light switches or integrated

keys, providing a fallback in case of failure or as guest function. Unfortunately, not in all cases a local

override can be quashed by Mistress, but that's what cameras and sensors would be for. Although,

implementing all these ideas mean quite some time and effort, so this should be considered a long-

term project. Unfortunately, there is no system on the market in Germany that integrates all of the

mentioned and conceivable functions (and it is also a question of cost), so the integration will be

accomplished by myself. I already acquired some components like remote-controllable lighting, a

raspberry as system controller and some interfaces for wireless communication like Zigbee for testing


The only unswitchable wall outlet would be a loading plug for my cellphone, which would stay a means

for communicating with Mistress and of course in case of an emergency. A remotely switchable, very

bright light in the bedroom could reliably wake me up, should Mistress have any wish to call for my

service. Interaction would then be done through cellphone, maybe marquee-type text displays or

other remote-controlled displays or even an audio system. Added to this would be (in the bedroom) a

TV set attached to a Windows computer, where Mistress of course would have full Teamviewer control

about times of usage, program, could replay things at Her own will or block usage entirely.

The first room in which this system will be implemented would be my bedroom. I want to renovate

that anyway, so this would be a good opportunity for adding modifications. I would take a few pictures

of the current situation and make some suggestions, with the final decisions of course done by Mistress

Harley. And I would love for Mistress to be involved in that as much as possible. I have to live in the

room, but I want Her to get as much pleasure and amusement out of my real-life theater show as

possible. And to top it all, I will have a wall-size photo wallpaper showing my Mistress watching my

every step and always reminding me to whom my life is dedicated. I'd appreciate if Mistress Harley

could provide me with a really high-resolution picture, 20 Mpx or more, of Her choice. I promise Her

She will be able to see it on camera.

With this system at Her disposal, Mistress Harley could always make sure that I keep my flat tidy (that'

probably means even more effort than implementing the system), work properly and be of use.

Mistress could make sure that I put enough effort in focusing around what Mistress wants me to do,

being productive, being always able to respond to commands. Mistress could of course also use this

from an entertainment view, as a permanent and endless live show of Her slave. Mistress could torture

me, intimidate me, make me do embarrassing things, watch me fail, make me beg, whatever gives Her

pleasure. I would be the perfect helpless controlled little slave robot, the perfect puppet for Mistress

to play with. Maybe I will regret this offer, but then, hopefully, it will be too late.

A slight problem I see is the presence of neighbors, even more with regard to the time shift between

my world and Mistress’s. That means that acoustic signalization by Mistress would be very tedious.

Another boundary condition is that the flat I live in strictly speaking does not belong to me but my

parents, so I cannot do anything Mistress would like me to do without some sort of consultation. And

last, there are some regulations for electroinstallation, which means that some works can only be done

by an authorized electrician.

To get this big project going, perhaps I could dedicate a fixed timespan every week on that and give

Mistress account about the progress. Everything will certainly take a while, but I am 100% definite and

positive about finally getting it to work. And as I said, I would love to implement special requirements

or suggestions Mistress comes up with, that would certainly improve the system and its entertainment


I know that Mistress would love it for me to be completely "debarked", unable to make a sound. While

that seems desirable in most situations, it would be very impractical when it comes to interaction with

other people for business or employment reasons, which would be needed to sustain my life dedicated

to Mistress. I am not sure how this can be implemented at the moment other than me trying to speak

as little as possible. Mistress could at least make sure that I am mostly soundless at home, where She

could completely monitor that with the planned system. Maybe, in the future, I could wear a device

that would record and transmit everything I say, or more generally speaking the noises I emit, to

Mistress for Her to control my efforts to keep as quiet as possible. Maybe this would also serve to

isolate me a bit more from society and strengthen the bond of the relationship of Mistress and slave

and my dependency and subordination.

Mistress also mentioned my state as a sissy that still needs to be trained. Certainly, I will want to put

more time and effort into practicing and acting out more of the girl in me. But since this is a thing I

have on my mind much longer than I am owned by Mistress, this may rather fall into the third category,

and I will come back to that later.



Serving in the sense of the relationship between Mistress and me as owned slave also includes working

on myself, improving myself to indirectly please Mistress. It might even be pleasurable for Mistress

Harley to realize and supervise my efforts, for which She is the deeper cause and driving force, even if

the direct use is on my side and the efforts would be advisable in any case or are in my personal interest

anyway. And this also includes the voluntary renunciation of habits and customs.

I have been struggling with my overweight for all my life. Even when people advocate that one should

come to terms with one's body, accept oneself and even love oneself, I think (and that is according to

scientific consensus) that obesity is unhealthy in a number of ways. It is likely to cause or worsen high

blood pressure, diabetes, lowers life quality and life expectation, and puts limitations to everyday

activities or for example the service in the fire brigade. And it also makes it more difficult to live out

my girly side, let alone due to the difficulty of obtaining appropriate clothing. So once again, I shall

dedicate my efforts to lose weight and increase my

fitness level. Probably I will experience more

drawbacks, and it will be a life-long struggle, but I will once again wage it. I want to go swimming or

make a longer bike tour at least once a week, and I also want to increase the compliance with the

training program you tasked me with. Although, I am a bit reluctant about my further damaging my

joints, so I am thinking about perhaps enter into a fitness studio contract, where this is done with

better supervision and (due to the cost) maybe with better motivation. On the other hand, that means

less financial resources for other projects in the service for Mistress.

I recently started another attempt to change to more healthy eating habits. I promised myself to not

buy any sweets or pastries and cut down on meat consumption. I won't decline anything my mother

serves, including dessert, and an occasional sweet offered by colleagues, and will not dump any sweet

presents I get despite my request to not gift me with sweets, but I am trying to leave it at as much as

that. I am also trying to cut down on meat consumption, eating fish or vegetarian food as often as

possible in the canteen, and cook myself only fish

and vegetables or consume diet shakes, as that

helped me well when I was able to lose much weight last time.

I have been substantially cutting down on my time at playing video games during the last months. Most

of the time I am not missing it. I am seriously thinking about quitting World of Warcraft completely,

although that also would mean giving up some friends I regularly interacted with, also on private

things, although only within the game. I still have to reach a decision. Anyway, that would liberate time

resources for other purposes better suited as to serve Mistress's purposes.

My dissertation still remains to be written. I lost the motivation a long time ago, mainly because of

differences with my PhD supervisor (not with regard to everyday getting along or the interpretation of

the results, but with regard to scientific thoroughness, fairness, keeping promises and eternal waiting

for jobs he is supposed to do). So this will definitely cost me a lot of time, and almost every motivation

surplus. Financially I will probably only be able to benefit from this when I change to a different

employer, most likely not in the area, so the whole renovation and cabling project would be pointless.

I want to finish it, if only for all the invested time so far not being wasted. I would love to increase

Mistress Harley’s fame by dedicating the title to Her (I would probably not be the only PhD in Her

inventory list), but I see it as a huge mountain before me and all the problems with my supervisor

would once more become acute and cause stomach ulcers. Anyway, somehow, a decision has to be

reached about this, because it constantly prevents me from making other final long-term decisions.

This leaves me with the last topic of gender issues, which I'll cut short for now, because they would

require another "full paper" otherwise.

Mistress Harley suggested for me to search for local regular meetings of queer lgbtiq-friendly people.

I will see to that after that queer conference at Whitsun. It will cost me a great deal of overcoming my

social reservations, but exchange with other people definitely can't hurt.

I also want to resume my initial efforts in make-up practice. Maybe Mistress could set some regular

requirements. There's so many things I just am not sure about. Which color? Is what I'm doing ok? How

to improve? I can't see when doing my right eye, because I'm almost blind on the left... All that is not

meant as excuse, but as something that I don't know how to address correctly. I probably just have to

try harder. But it also seems somehow futile. Maybe I should just keep asking the Maybelline online

contact form to be called "Mrs. Schmidt" again. Anyway, the exchange for being allowed to access the

mind-control story archive obviously wasn't incentive enough, coupled with the fact that time doesn't

seem enough do get anything done anyway, let alone read the stories. And believe me, I'm too tired

to read much when commuting – or spellbound by Mistress Harley’s voice on headphones.

About the same goes for women's apparel. Some things I like, some things are grossly impractical. Who

the hell told designers that women needed short tops or women that they should show belly? And my

body is (whom am I telling that - but maybe Mistress’s length is more in Her gorgeous legs) 8 inches

longer than that of an average woman's. Underwear, even oversized, just doesn't fit my mostly male

anatomy. Not complaining. Probably, again, I just shall try harder.

The efforts with vibrator, butt plug and anal vibrator - futile. I just seem to give up much too early. Or

maybe some of the products really are junk. Maybe I should make something like a class schedule -

Monday evening butt plug training, Tuesday evening magic wand and so on, if I do it every day, maybe

it gets a habit. Doesn't seem I'm going to improve myself much here, let alone being able to serve

Mistress better.

What I definitely plan to do is, as Mistress suggested, give the wig story another try. I have put aside a

small amount of money specifically for that, and I have seen a shop where a lady offers counseling and

sale. I will find out if she is queer-friendly. If only the material wasn't so bad.

I hope Mistress Harley will forgive me the sarcasm I let show through in the last few paragraphs. It Is

solely directed at me and my weaknesses. Anyhow, maybe Mistress Harley will find also some of the

suggestions and undertakings in category three entertaining and accepts them as improvement of my

service towards Her.


In this essay, I have given a wealth of proposals of how to better serve my Mistress, Mistress Harley.

All of these offers in the end require to increase the share of time dedicated to this service. Time that

belongs to Mistress anyway, with me being owned by Her. I shall work hard to make this a reality.

Unfortunately, the time resources of slave are nonetheless limited, given that there has also be time

to earn a living. The time for serving Mistress, directly and indirectly, is limited and therefore must be

used as efficiently as possible. My personally biggest problem is probably that my efficiency is low,

when measuring quality and quantity of the output together. I am quite happy and satisfied with the

way I live and do things, but that is not the question here. The only perspective here that counts is the

one of Mistress, and She has at least hinted that I should improve my efficiency. My pathetic willpower,

my fears, my shortcomings and my inability to commit stand in the way of achieving this goal. As

mentioned a few times in this essay, I have the feeling that I might need a tighter control and

supervision with doing that, a tighter accountability towards Mistress and success control by Her.

Although, I also have the feeling that may take more of Mistress Harley's precious resources, and that

I am not entitled for that as an owned slave. So I am somehow reliant on the generosity of my Owner

to help me improve myself. Mistress alone has the freedom and power to redesign, even recreate my

identity, my life – if She wants, and how She wants. She knows that.

I sometimes envy slaves I know from books, stories, documentaries and so on. For them it was mainly

clear what they were obliged to do, what they were allowed to do and what not. They (so it seems)

had clear guidelines. Sometimes I have the feeling of being too free, of not having guidelines to be able

to stick to. Of course with distance and the very limited attention Mistress is able to dedicate to me, I

have to live a life as dedicated as possible and constantly self-assess my efforts. I express again my

appreciation for any suggestions or orders from Mistress to improve my service for Her. Although, at

the same time, I know that I can only fail, since my efforts clearly are futile and unworthy and will never

be good enough objectively. If I really was a good

slave, I would have implemented all Of Mistress

Harley’s suggestions and orders without hesitation and delay and without setbacks and lack of self-

motivation. I hope for and depend on Mistress Harley’s forgiveness, generosity, love and attention. I

thank Mistress Harley for the privilege of being owned. But my deficiencies are no excuse whatsoever

to not increase my efforts, and I promise once again to do that.

At the same time, I would love to involve Mistress

in more important life choices I have to make. I

would love to accept more heteronomy, more of Her leadership. Mistress may feel free to capture any

choices She wants and to oblige me to involve Her in as many details as She wants and as Her time

permits. For Her to decide things is Her privilege as Owner anyway, but even more so it shows me who

my Mistress and Owner is and what She wants from and for me. Mistress should take away as many

choices from me as She can, if She wants!

Dearest Mistress Harley, I hope my considerations condensed to this essay could at least partly meet

Your expectations and standards You expected when You gave me this assignment. It undoubtedly

made me re-assess our relationship to some extent and helped to deepen my affection, addiction and

submission towards You. That is Your merit alone, and I cannot thank You enough for that.



[1] "Sklaverei", Wikipedia (German) [website]. Available from:

[11 February 2018]

[2] "Slavery", Wikipedia (English) [website]. Available from: [13

February 2018]

[3] "Global Estimates of Modern Slavery: Forced Labour and Forced Marriage, 2017", Walk Free

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[4] "Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and

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[5] "BLACKMAILED PROPERTY OF MISTRESS HARLEY", Mistress Harley (online on, subscription needed), Video, 2018.

[6] "Mistress Harley Fetish Model, Financial Dominatrix, The Techdomme", Mistress Harley [website].

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[7] "Robot", Wikipedia (English) [website]. Available from: [15

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[8] "SLAVEBOT ANJA CUSTOM VIDEO", Mistress Harley (slavebotanjacustom.mp4), custom video file,


[9] "Project 1", Mistress Harley ("slaveanjamp3.mp3"), custom audio file, 2017.

"FREEDOM THROUGH SLAVERY", Mistress Harley (online on, subscription

needed), Video, 2018.