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Cash Verified Slaves
by on March 13, 2018

Conversing with subs is something I enjoy doing. It’s my version of stalking my prey, tail twitching and all. Most of the time we don’t even talk kink in the beginning. We just have a nice genuine conversation. I recently had a unique experience with a sub from here, Mysophiliphic. During our conversation I asked him to get his creativity out and write me a story. He gave me permission to use it in my post. I think it offers a very interesting perspective of what it’s like to talk to me. Additionally, how easy it is to be entrapped by me. He sent me this as we were chatting. A story of our interaction as he was perceiving it.

“We had been writing a few messages back and forward over the course of a week. Not gone too deep yet, but exploring things from a neutral, getting to know each other stand point. This particular evening, our paths crossed as I saw her on Skype. I wrote and as the other times, she friendly responded, and we started engaging in our conversation. My submissive nature as always was right there, but her friendly spirit... I still can’t pin point it, but when she said I was hesitant about displaying all my kinks, I felt the opposite, that she was in fact holding back on her own cruelty towards me.

Basically, she had a plan that I couldn’t even dream about. Perhaps if I mixed dreams and nightmares I might get closer to her true spirit. I put this thought out of my mind as we continued sharing our minds and gaining more and more chemistry although we both knew it was clearly there from the very beginning and that had not strayed a bit.

All of a sudden... a recording pops up on my Skype. She is vaping, blowing smoke towards the lens. I feel the weakness... she follows with a message of: “time to drop that oil under your tongue for me my dear girl and oh... I promise you one thing. You won’t like what the outcome of the next few hours, yet you won’t ever be able to live without it.” She laughed it off as to not seem too serious and I giggled back and responded by dropping the oil in between my lips stating: “I consent and can’t wait Goddess”.

*A note: He fantasied me saying that, and although her did take the special oil, I didn’t instruct him in this way. I sent me a video of me smoking, a subtle way to push him over the edge on his own. He thought I was finding that high with me. What I didn’t tell him is that it was small clip I took a few nights before on a whim. I just saw that as a convenient moment to use it. I like doing things in a spontaneous manner since it keeps me intellectually stimulated, and I find more fun in doing so.*  

The still online stranger smiled wide behind the screen as she now knew that not just one, or two, but three delicious drops was now in the system of this boy turned femme and soon to be turned into whatever she desired. The lust was there - on both sides of the screen as the conversation continued.

*The below comments aren’t a part of the story. He just couldn’t help re-watching the clip I sent him, and felt the need to tell me.

I scrolled back to the vape video. Watched it again...

I knew the oil wouldn’t work instantly, but somehow, I felt lightheaded instantly.*

“She kept writing friendly and we continued to share as my mind started to slowly spin. In my haze I had taken some nail polish with me, but the idea I had of using it to write didn’t make sense. Perhaps the oil was already getting to me. Who is she? What is she truly into?”

 I find his last paragraph in the story extremely amusing. I am transparent in everything I do. I genuinely enjoy what I do, and I let the sub know while in conversation or session. I’m not sure if it’s just something subs do not find that often anymore. As such, my mind is infinitely more twisted than what you are thinking. However, you might just get lucky enough to experience it for yourself. As for my new little slavedoll, only time will tell how much further she will go.