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Cash Verified Slaves
by on February 14, 2018

In efforts to flourish Valentine's Day spirit within the site, I have a wonderful game I would like to share with the masses. Don't be shy it is actually a rather simple math game after all within a findom community who doesn't love math; math means money when done right!


I know I had just posted this on My own page as a status but I think it would also make a lovely game amongst the masses and generate some positive responses. Here is a Valentine's Day tribute game I hope you will all take part in and share your experiences. If you boys do not have one don't be shy choose a Domme to spoil this lovely day.


This is an optionally progressive game, be warned. It could be rather risky and climatic! Do you dare let us Ladies dabble in your wallet while holding your heart on your sleeve?


Pick a flower other than a rose and for the number of letters, the flower's name has send $5 for each letter. For those who can actually do mathematical equations, this means 5(x)=s! That means x=number of letters and s=sent. Should you not send the correct amount, send double. Should you send the correct amount but wish to continue to add, "up the ante" to your comment along with your screen name, the name of the flower, and a short thank you.


In the spirit of being truly worthless and knowing your place play at your own risk. Enjoy!


I truly hope this sparks you and everyone can choose to share their experiences, especially within the community here. It, after all, is the day to strip down to the soul and bare all for the boys!


Oh, and by the way, I am back for those of you who didn't notice. It's great to be here!

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