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Royal Domme
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Lifetime Member
Today I wondered into chat where I am not known to spend much time. When I came into the room there was a Domme who I have chatted with who said hello and I responded in kind. A Domme with whom I have never had any communication with then said hello to me and I said hello to her the first time. A little later I wondered back into chat and she once again said hello to me and I ignored her hello. The next thing I know I am getting blasted by her in open chat for being rude. After 3 or 4 of her comments about me being rude I emailed her and explained my position which got me a response telling me once again that I was rude.
Like most subs I get lots of friend requests from new members on a nightly basis and I ignore most if not all of them as well. So my question to the mass population is if I was rude for not acknowledging her in chat. Is chat supposed to be nothing but hi's and byes? Is there any difference in my ignoring the friend requests from Dommes I have never spoken to?
help please.