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by on May 7, 2016
this may ruffle a few feathers or whatever, however, i feel it needs to be said.

i was just in the *chatroom* here and i was frankly appalled. music being played, references to smoking blunts, twerking, *rachet* music and, and, and....

just NO!

i'd rather endure the endless conversations about cats, surgeries and mundane topics than that again.

maybe i am too oldskool, and far be it from me to dictate the deportment of another *dominant* woman, but have some goddamn class. is it too much for findoms to carry themselves a certain way if we expect sub males to carry themselves in a certain way? i know for a fact the men i deal with want a well-bred, dominant woman of substance with some class.

i couldn't help but feel like i was in a strip club.

i remember once i met a german sub who told me he couldn't serve me because i wasn't the stereotypical *ignorant, ghetto black bitch*.. seriously, that is what he told me. he said he felt like he couldn't submit to me because he was most humiliated by someone he felt was not in his socio-economic class or on par with him in terms of education.

basically, he wanted an uneducated, low-rent hoodrat because then he felt TRULY submissive in subbing to someone who in his opinion was 'beneath' him; he deemed it truly humiliating.

i was more than happy to tell him to fuck off. and, in many ways, i viewed it as a backhanded compliment.

it meant the money spent on my education did not go to waste, it meant my worldliness did not go to waste.

when you behave a certain way, you attract a certain type of male. and just because you may receive trivial tributes, does not mean it's worth your character to fit into a stereotype-- regardless of race or ethnicity. if you fit into negative boxes or stereotypes, then good luck and godspeed in life.

i left chat tonight because i was disgusted at what can pass for a *dominant woman* supposedly worthy of servitude these days.

such company just lowers not only my IQ, but my property value and brand as well.
