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Cash Verified Slaves
by on May 5, 2016
Over the past couple years the TRUE meaning and definition of financial domination has gotten way lost in translation and I blame this on a few things, people getting into this fetish for the wrong reasons such as thinking being a financial dominant is all about being spoiled,living in luxury and blah blah blah, the second I blame those who cater to the idiots who seem to think because they are paying they are in control and that sacrifice doesnt come even come into play because they are getting a deal at 20 bucks a session(seriously gtfoh with that crap).
I read crap *and I do mean crap* about how financial dominants are ENTITLED to every thing,we dont have to pay for anything (this includes memberships on sites that are ran by female dominants themselves)and that all its about is being spoiled spoiled spoiled.

There was a recent blog I read by a lovely Lady some of you may know DrSue and it pretty much stirred up a shit storm, and I say shit storm because If I remember right her title for the piece was some where along the lines financial domination is dead. If you want to get technical the TRUE meaning of financial domination is being skewered/flayed and has been skewered and flayed for quite some time and it just gets worse.Needless to say there were a lot of unhappily campers over Her blunt but 100 percent correct blog.
What people dont seem to understand you cant change the meaning of something to suit your own purposes, your own idea on what it SHOULD be, because in this day and age it bounces around on the net and these miss informed people get involved in the fetish, try to change the fetish and the REAL meaning gets tossed aside because it doesnt suit their way of thinking.
Ive seen people even say there is no right or wrong way to do this fetish, I have to admit I kind of busted out laughing when I read things such as that, because not only is it ignorant it shows Me that rules and protocols have no place in these peoples minds.That its just money and they will do anything to obtain it, yeah money rules and broke ass losers drool right.
I think a lot of people see that it takes time,patience,understanding and knowledge to get any where in this fetish and let Me also include stabbing other people in the back along the way, but hey thats human nature right but is it a dominate trait? or just the asshole gene ?so they change things to suit their own mind set because it gets to HARD.There is no short cut or book for dummy dommes on how to be a financial dominate or a financial sub.
Financial domination is a serious revolving door for Ladies ,survival of the fittest/smartest/knowledgeable these ladies who have these traits are the ones who adhere to the rules and protocols , have turned into online icons,and who truly know how to make a sub submit financially etc.
I cant emphasize enough that this isnt a quick rich scheme , this is not like being a sugar baby and I ve seen so many think its the exact same thing, they are miles apart trust Me. I also cant emphasize enough that if you dont have any prior knowledge of bdsm and how it works financial domination is the not the place you start off with because you have no knowledge of what the relationship entails and let me add watching or reading 50 shades of crap in no way makes you dominate and if that was the case I was a fucking vampire in high school or a alien from all the books I read maybe even a damn sparkly unicorn...I really wanted to be a sparkly unicorn ;)
Point to all this rambling is , EDUCATE YOURSELF, understand the fetish and the role it plays in bdsm,We educate ourselves daily with things we need in real life, this is real life even if its the damn internet , its a outlet most people can only indulge in, that doesnt make it any less real, it may not be extremely physically REAL but it is more mentally REAL to a lot of people. down playing the whole well its the internet how real can it be thats like asking how real can internet stalking or bullying be.
Dont kill the fetish ,support it, educate others and dont let those that are killing it get away with it( meaning in a non violet stalking assholish way you can make your point by being politically correct then by being a dildodouchebaggins)