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Sovereign Vallance
by on October 24, 2017
As a Domme, what's most important for me when it comes to first impressions in a sub is to be approached with respect. This is the way the wheat is separated from the chaff - and nobody who comes with disrespect is anybody I would ever want to serve me.
Dommes probably have different notions of what this entails to them. This post is about what this entails to me, personally.
So what does it mean to me to be approached with respect?
While of course I expect a submissive man to express, well, submission, that doesn't mean I expect him to come crawling like some parody of a BDSM scene with a dog leash in his mouth, begging me to do this and this, refusing to answer questions because he "doesn't deserve to have an opinion"...
What it tells me when a man approaches me that way, is that he wants to apply his preconceived notion of what a Domme is in some sort of one-size-fits all way to me and what I do, without even having spoken to me.
A clear example is: Somebody who tells me that he's kneeling, without having been asked to.
If you are not doing something on MY request, then who's desire is it to do it? Yours.

Here are some things which indicate genuine respect:
Answering questions, being honest and straightforward about intentions, calling me by the name I've chosen, avoiding wasting time, coming prepared, and being willing to put your own immediate wants aside.
When somebody comes at me that way, I know I'll have a great time playing with them. Once that's been established, THAT's when a real connection can be made, and once that's been made the possibilities are limitless.

Well, use your imagination.


Sovereign Vallance