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Cash Verified Slaves
Ms Laura
by on October 22, 2017
I received the following report this morning after a submissive had completed My Bathroom Challenge.  Well done, sub-n!

"Dear MsLaura,

Here is my report on Your Bathroom Control Challenge:

This submissive woke up yesterday morning and began this Challenge. This sub rolled the dice, received a 2 ... had to wait 15 minutes. Fifteen minutes later (and 2 big glasses of water), sub rolled the dice and this time rolled a 4 (seems like it may not be a great day!) So sub used a spoon and spanked each cheek of my butt 50 times. And rolled the dice a third time, this time (about to burst my bladder or at least it felt like it, sub rolled a six. So for the next ten minutes sub stroked its cock while drinking 2 more glasses of water, which began to get hard, but the pain from not being able to release self made it difficult. Finally at 10 minutes, sub relieved self with a big sigh of relief! The relief was followed by more water!

About 2 hours later, the pressure from the water built up, and sub had to pee again. SO, "Can I please go to the bather room?" rolled the dice and it came up #2 again. So drank more water while waiting 15 minutes. After that time, sub rolled again, this time #3. So i put on clover clamps on each nipple and then proceeded to smack the clamp quickly 50 times each. ahhhhh, next got to pee. Drank more water (since sub tends to be a bit of a masochist, it was actually hot tea, several cups).

About 1 1/2 hours later, have to pee so sub asked "Can I please go to the bathroom?) and rolled the dice. Answer, #4. Seems that after 50 times on each cheek, butt was feeling sore, bladder was saying "let's get this pee out of here". So drank some more fluids and rolled the dice. This time #1 came up, long flow of pee resulted.

Continued drinking a number of things and finally about 2 hours later, could no longer felt it was time to roll the dice. #3. So after the whacks on each nipple, butt was hurting, nipples were really hurting, and then had to make another roll of dice, #5. It was getting near the end of the day, but had one last go after drinking lots of water and hot tea.

How do you figure the odds, first roll was #4, smacked each but cheek 50 times, then rolled #3 (again), clamped nipples, 50 smacks with a spoon, and then came the pee and sub went to bed.

Ok, to be honest, it was very painful at time (holding pee in while carrying out task, pain in nipples and butt), but being a bit of a masochist, it was a painful wonderful experience.

Thank You Ms Laura for the opportunity to complete this task (sub will think of you every time it pees for a while).

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