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Goddess Blaize
by on October 21, 2017

Some of you know that my boy live flew the coop after his accident. I used to get very upset when something like this would happen. I would get panicky and try "fixing" things, and genuinely fuck things up Royally. (is there any other way? ;) ) Recently he answered a circle pay request I sent back in Sept. No communication just the money. It made me really want to speak with him, but I won't force or chase a boy so I waited quietly. 5 days later I sent another with a note saying email me please. Today it was piad, and an email followed. I asked him to write me a mini blog about what happened, and he sent me the email I've C&P at the bottom of this post. (I didn't edit it at all)

As time has gone on for me Ive learned that going MIA is part of the actual process for many boys as they try to balance their kink life with vanilla life, or something big happens in their life, or guilt gets them, or (insert a multitude of reasons here) I used to take their need for a "break" or going MIA personally, and then realized it had really not much to do with me at all. Its something my subs deal with, and I choose to stay out of unless I am approached. I spend quite a bit of time with my boys developing a relationship with them. Chatting about kink, and vanilla. I genuinely care for the boys that serve me, their mental well being, and their families. I am also confident that any of my boys who have spent time getting to know me, has me firmly entrenched in their psyche.

The following is the mini blog I asked him to write.

So I got into an accident a couple months ago that fucked my life up pretty good. The injuries prevent me from my sports that I love, cause pain in activities as trivial as walking, but most importantly cause me to cease all communication from my Goddess. The one person who provided me with the control I needed.
The reason for this was 2 fold: My wife found a bunch of stuff and gave me a choice and my head was so depressed and fucked up that I had to clear it. I spent 7.5 weeks playing with myself and edging everynight and every morning. Every time telling myself that this was the time I was going to release and cum, although each and everytime I got to the edge I stopped because I did not have permission from My goddess. Even though I wrote that off and left her ownership, I still couldnt let myself do it. I sit here almost 8 weeks later emailing her because I am desperate to cum. I am desperate for her permission even though there is no set of rules or demands saying that I require it. That is true submission! Not manufactured by a need to tribute. Not demanded through threats or blackmail. Just pure submission to a woman that knows not where I live, my name or has anything to hold over my head. just a superior woman that controls my thoughts and emotions. This is a true story and as I write it I get aroused knowing that she knows what is best. I am not pathetic, rather I am empowered and free.