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Pauley playtoy-OwnedByPB
by on October 11, 2017
We are back from DomCon, whew! I attended with Ms Pauley Belle, Belle Darlin and 2 other subs. Ms Pauley talked me into it as I tend to hunker down here at home and not get involved. In fact, that may be why I am an online money slave.

DomCon was a real eye opener for me. At my advanced age, I had never experienced a play room. And I did not know "suspension" was even a thing. I had never seen a female sub in action, another real eye opener.

I had opportunity to "play" but declined. I am like Chauncey Gardner in Being There; I like to watch. Next time, play for sure.

There were many talks and workshops on various BDSM techniques which I found informative and reassuring.

As for what went on in the play room, the old cliche applies; "what happens at DomCon stays at DomCon."

I know some of you were there and I wish I had made contact up front so I could say "hi." I had enough trouble telling the dommes from the subs from the switches and the men from the women. So identifying the fin dommes and subs was just as difficult. In fact, in one of the talks, we were asked to raise our hand if domme, sub or switch, another eye opener.

Mistakes: we stayed in the suburbs and drove in, as French Quarter lodging is pricey to say the least. Had I known the lay of the land before hand, we could have stayed in town and not spent much more money. Also, there is not much "quick bite to eat" near the hotel. So most of our meals were New Orleans haute cuisine with a food waiter and a drink waiter. Great but too much of a good thing after a while. Ms Belle talked to some NO locals so we have good hole in the wall places to try next time.

I would encourage you all to go next time or to visit conventions in your area. They are listed in fetlife, which one of the vendors told me about. The people at DomCon are mostly warm and friendly.

I plan to go to a BDSM meet in Baltimore next week. My first local "out of the BDSM closet" meet. I wonder if I will see anyone I know?

That's it for me. Time to unpack and get my vanilla life back in order.

Your traveling slave,

sorrysub aka John