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Jade Renegade
by on September 13, 2017
"Have you told your parents?"
"What do your parents think?"

These are both questions that sex workers get pretty regularly.
I can proudly say that both of my parents support what I do. My Mother may not understand it so that brings a little involuntary negative response sometimes...nothing major at all.

How ever, My FATHER is not only accepting and supportive... he is actually PROUD.

Why you may ask? Because to him: his daughter is putting men in their place! My dad knows he has raised a woman who puts up with no shit...and is making a living with it.

Funny thing is, I was most worried about telling my dad because he was very happy with my college education and wanted me to go after my interest in counseling, which I still may do. I waited to tell him last....

I remember sitting on my porch on the phone and saying: so you know that I am not working in the law office anymore right?
dad: yea

me: and Im not homeless so I am making money right?

Dad: yesss...

me: sooooo I have found myself very talented in the art of Domination and phone sex/ kink....*my body clenched waiting for a sigh of disappointment...***

At that moment my Dad belted out in laughter and said "That is GREAT" "That is really cool"- still laughing...

The fact that he is truly proud of this is so helpful in my life and business.

Men: if you have daughters and you are "scared" they will get into this industry, don't be. In fact: support them so hard so that THEY know they can do it SUCCESSFULLY and SAFELY.

This industry has empowered me beyond words can express and my father sees this. THIS is what is important to him. I am very grateful for this :)