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by on August 18, 2017
So last time I updated here was January blogwise and March status yeah, it has been a while.

But good news! I graduated!!!!
So as I said in my last blog, a lot of things were distracting me and taking up literally all of my time.
And then summer came around and I realized I had no idea what I was talking about in the spring when I said literally. Taking courses over the summer, I probably set a record for the number of classes taken over a summer semester, and I was working from around 12pm-3am almost every single day. But it has all finally paid off and I officially have my bachelors degree!

It has not been easy, but it has been so worth it. I regret not being more active on here or having more forethought about how long my temporary hiatus would have lasted, but there is no love lost on my end. In a lot of ways I was worried about how it would make me look. I was only super active for about 3 or 4 months, and even after that amount of time people were kind of waiting for me to just vanish. Life gets in the way sometimes, but vanishing was never my intention. I would rather be known for being consistent than half-assing my time on here because I've been so busy.

Anyways, now that I have a LOT more time on my hands, you can bet I'll be around more. For the time being, job searching has left me with PLENTY of free time. Aside from slaving away at applications and working on my portfolio. I've genuinely missed my time on this site and I can't wait to get reacquainted with everyone! Expect more Star Trek, nerdy, film related blogs in the future, haha!