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Pauley playtoy-OwnedByPB
by on June 25, 2017
Wow, I really overdid it this last month in my spending on Mistress Pauley. I spent about twice as much as my "money slavery budget" allows. I know what you're thinking, don't I want to give everything to Mistress Pauley? Of course, that is the ideal, but I also have to eat, pay rent, put gas in the car and pay taxes. I tend to be a "splurger" in money slavery and then run away when I have spent too much, only to come crawling back when my need to spend is too great to deny. That is why my Slave Contract with Mistress Pauley states that I am not to spend so much that I have to leave. I had thought that I had a rhythm to my spending, but it is much too easy to exceed what I have budgeted, as you subs can attest to.

The problems this month are two-fold. First, there were two big-ticket items and, second, I just sent too many gifts. Part of the excessive gifts reason is that I was home all month. When I am away, I am on the internet much less and spend less.

So, what to do? My solution is to cut back my spending for this month to the minimum in my slave contract. That means a Monday gift, Thursday tribute, monthly orgasm denial "gratitude gift" and any other spending commitments such as Mistress's bills that come up. Then over two months I will average out to what I should spend each month. Mistress Pauley is okay with this approach, thank you, Mistress Pauley. She believes in safe, sane, consensual slavery or "SSC." Now, to restrain my spending for a month. Wish me luck on that one!