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Cash Verified Slaves
by on June 20, 2017
I understand that some of us Dommes are not as active as we would like. Life and other things do come into play during these times I am sure, but it is not our intentions to make it seem like We are inactive. Matter of fact, we are much more active than some would deem Us.

Understand that online is one thing and real time is another... It is not necessarily that We do not dabble in online endeavors, but life does tend to take primary when it comes to things being done. As a professional business Woman, speaking for My Self, things are typically busy. Working in hospitality with many people at my whim every day it isn't easy to juggle, but that doesn't mean I am not a wicked juggler!

Why not reach out? Are you scared you may actually make a connection? There are many Females out there, here, what is it you think you want? Why? Maybe you would raise a brow! Not exactly for Me but maybe you feel that strong pull towards a certain Domme? If you why wouldn't you take the chance to strip yourself of the worldly things to reach out? She may just be that certain fix desire, the yin to your yang, the honey in your tea. With out it your bitter soul may become old stale and unused. Reach out because tomorrow is never promised; live for today!