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Cash Verified Slaves
by on June 5, 2017
On a daily basis I, and countless other financial dommes, get asked the million dollar question; "What's in it for me if I tribute?".

Personally I feel that findom is not a transaction. When a sub tributes me, he is not going to receive any favours in return, nor should he expect to. I provide my time, patience and guidance to subs who continually prove themselves worthy by tributing me, showing loyalty and a willingness to expand their sexual horizons through fetishes.

A tribute should be made as a fiscal gesture of admiration, awe and longing towards the domme by the submissive. It is not the same thing as a "payment" or "transaction".

How is one to try and explain this to a person who does not understand findom, let alone appreciate it as a genuine fetish? Long ago, I tried to open the minds of men who did not understand the difference between tributes and transactions, but have long since learnt that its usually a waste of my precious time.

I am not here to "convince" anyone about my fetish, nor to pressure any submissive into sending tribute on my terms. Submissive's either are or are not financial sub's, and if not, that's fair enough but I am not the domme for them and I shall not expect, not chase tribute from those who do not share my sexual values. Equally, I will not engage in vanilla or kinky chit chat with those who don't share my interests.

So how do I deal with those who expect a service for their tribute. Simple answer; I don't. I disband contact with that individual after informing them we don't or won't mesh. Of course, some of these individuals become unpleasant because I would not entertain their fantasies, but that will always be part and parcel of life. The block button is a wonderful thing.

I am interested in how other people deal with these issues?