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Cash Verified Slaves
by on June 3, 2017
Coming at me like a race car with the green light is not going to get you across the finish line fast or even first.

On the daily I have males popping into my inbox with the fetish switch flipped on full power. This is a losing proposition for you. No woman let alone a Domme wants to be treated like a vending machine that is ready to spit out your selection when you slip a quarter in.

I realize that it is really easy to get all caught up in the fantasies playing out in your head(yup all of that porn you watched has poisoned your brain),but you gotta yell CUT when you are creeping into my inbox(no not literally yelling cut out loud either lol). What I am saying is that just like you,I am a human being. Yes I am a dominant human being,which means that to get anywhere with me,you are going to have to put down the pukestick,and treat me like a human being. I am not one dimensional. I am not a blow up betty sex doll. I am a living being who takes insult when I feel like someone is trying to use me for their own means of gratification without my consent. Is that comprehensible to you?

I know that males adore being sexually objectified,but I am NOT male,so this is definitely not a winning strategy with me. Come at me in a decent manner,with manners. Interact with me with respect. That same respect that you would accord to any other unknown woman you happened upon. Maybe you do not know how to do so,and that is very possibly the reason that you are struggling to receive any type of positive reaction from females. You will not succeed by treating women like inanimate objects created to satisfy your sexual desires. This is wholly unrealistic. Society may have taught you that it is ok to use women's bodies like tissues,or to speak to them as if they are second class citizens..and just maybe your parents did not school you to treat women with respect,but I am here to highlight the error of your ways.

If you want to get anywhere with a woman,let alone a Domme you are going to have to accept that your brain needs rewiring. Of course it will not be easy,but if you truly want to submit to me,than you are going to have to put in the time and effort,til such time as you are able and willing to come before me a changed male. A male who recognizes that his wants do NOT supersede mine,and that allowing your dick to do your talking will find you talking to yourself alone. Capiche?