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Royal Domme
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Its been a little over a year here, and its time I made some changes. 
Some of you boys may notice some changes to my profile. I have changed things up a bit. Made some necessary blocks, and unfriended those I have not chatted with, or been tributes by in the last 8 weeks or less. Which is extremely generous I might add. OR if I don't feel you have been, or will be useful to me, you have been eliminated.
I have also been playing in my privacy settings. My photos, and wall are now viewable to friends only. I so look forward to new blocking, and privacy options when the new updates come along.
What does this mean for you? It means freeloading, non useful, wankers perving my pics are going to be sad, sad boys.
From here on out, only the privileged, well behaved boys will be able to view all my amazing assets. Its no secret I have an amazing rack, and an incredible ability to capture it in a very sexy way. Its also no secret I Love using it to will weak men to their knees and lay open their wallets. I am big, and powerful, as well as nurturing, and as much as you dream to fuck my tits, you long to feel their comfort, and nuzzle in when the big bad world gets to be too much. But W/we know you don't deserve anything more than suckling the farts from my arse until you've proven yourself worthy of the comfort of my amazing breasts.
If you feel you can be useful to me in some way, by all means message me. BUT BE PREPARED IN YOUR FIRST MESSAGE to tell me how you can be of use, or better my life. if you do your research you will know, and this won't be an issue, if not, later tater!
I think some of you may have mistaken my laid back, and fun demeanor for complacency. Well never fear, Im here to clear that up. I will still go on posting my amazing pics, weather you see them or not on my wall, depends on how useful you can be to me.
Happy weekend boys.

Some of you boys may notice some changes to my profile. I have changed things up a bit. Made some necessary blocks, and unfriended those I have not chatted with, or been tributes by in the last 8 weeks or less. Which is extremely generous I might add. OR if I don't feel you have been, or will be useful to me, you have been eliminated.
I have also been playing in my privacy settings. My photos, and wall are now viewable to friends only. I so look forward to new blocking, and privacy options when the new updates come along.
What does this mean for you? It means freeloading, non useful, wankers perving my pics are going to be sad, sad boys.
From here on out, only the privileged, well behaved boys will be able to view all my amazing assets. Its no secret I have an amazing rack, and an incredible ability to capture it in a very sexy way. Its also no secret I Love using it to will weak men to their knees and lay open their wallets. I am big, and powerful, as well as nurturing, and as much as you dream to fuck my tits, you long to feel their comfort, and nuzzle in when the big bad world gets to be too much. But W/we know you don't deserve anything more than suckling the farts from my arse until you've proven yourself worthy of the comfort of my amazing breasts.
If you feel you can be useful to me in some way, by all means message me. BUT BE PREPARED IN YOUR FIRST MESSAGE to tell me how you can be of use, or better my life. if you do your research you will know, and this won't be an issue, if not, later tater!
I think some of you may have mistaken my laid back, and fun demeanor for complacency. Well never fear, Im here to clear that up. I will still go on posting my amazing pics, weather you see them or not on my wall, depends on how useful you can be to me.
Happy weekend boys.
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