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Zara Miss
by on April 28, 2017
So this Monday will officially be the beginning of my birthday month! I normally hate birthdays due to the enormous amount of expectation versus what actually happens (sort of like New Year's Eve, so much build up, and very little climax if any). It comes and goes so fast! This year, however, I know exactly what I would like to do, and it is frankly quite simple if I do say so myself. The theme for this year is royalty. I am going to set up and elaborate party with a few close friends. I will mention to everyone who will be in attendance that the gathering is a strict royalty theme, and peasants will not be allowed entry. If anyone is unaware of the decadence and luxury associated with royalty, feel free to google some photos! I am actually an extremely crafty individual and have formulated some dress designs that I may or may not be attempting to create myself (or perhaps I should send them off to a seamstress). The entire month of May will be spent preparing and pampering myself unlimitedly. This will include spa treatments, mini excursions out of the city, shopping trips, or anything else I may think of. Deciding on a proper nail design is proving to be quite a challenge, but I think I've settled on a glass slipper feel. This means clear gel with a hint of iridescence. My hair will be flowing in bouncy soft curls, which hopefully won't fall during the course of the evening. Perhaps a dinner should be in order as well. I need to find a few trustworthy servants who will behave in a civil manner around my guests.

I'm quite excited about the whole ordeal! I've only ever had one birthday party before (I never really liked them), but I figure, what the heck. I'm not getting married anytime soon, but I still want a huge event centered around me and only me, where everyone dresses fabulously and dances the night away. Sounds selfish huh? So what, it's my party! Let me know if you can think of any other royal themes I can incorporate in my magical evening...:)