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nadia kassem
by on April 26, 2017
You guys ever have one of those moments in your ordinary lives in the vanilla world when SUDDENLY something kinda kinky happens? Maybe it was your imagination, maybe the other person(s) involved didn't even really pick up on it, but still it happened, passing like a shadow or a hallucination.

So the other night I went out with some acquaintances who live in the same building as me. A group of young guys and girls who are nothing if not vanilla. There was one guy I had never met before, not at all my type physically and five years younger than me, but there was some inexplicable attraction right out of the gate as he politely asked me all the ordinary sorts of questions you ask a person when you first meet. Attraction is a strange thing.

We all end up at some local bar, have a few drinks and hit the dance floor. The guy in question (let's call him S) has a couple friends who are trying to hit on me and I'm not having it at all, though I do enjoy the attention. Truth is, I'm not interested in being pursued or pursuing anyone, not even men that I am very attracted to. This probably has something to do with being a bit sexually abnormal as it were, and subsequently not enjoying one night stands or having a boyfriend...the latter being what normally develops when I start sleeping with someone. But anyway, at this point the whole group goes out out back to smoke a cigarette...

I'm sitting on an old freezer while most everyone else is standing around except for S, who is sitting on a bench to the left of me. The freezer is kind of tall, so my legs are dangling over the edge and not touching the ground, while the bench S is sitting on has his face about level with my knees. Then I notice the shoelaces on my left foot are undone, and I make kind of an exaggerated gasp. S is watching me and he grabs the shoelaces and starts tying them. I put my foot on his knee to make this easier. After he finishes, I look at my foot and the shoelaces look kind of weird. He's tied them a different way that I would have. I say something like "What did you do?" and I'm kind of shouting and laughing about it because I'm a little drunk and the situation seems funny. He defensively but playfully describes the method, but I make him undo the laces and then retie them and show me what he did. I decide the second time around that it's probably sufficient.

I definitely noticed the sexy kinky nature of this interaction the moment he started tying my shoe, which is why I put my foot on his knee. Our interaction since then has been totally normal, but I keep replaying the scene in my mind and it makes my heart pound. The way it unfolded was so organic and unbelievably arousing. I don't know if he experienced it the way I did, but I don't imagine so. I'll just keep going about things the way I normally would, and if he does have any inclinations toward kink like this, he'll be feeling very teased. Anyway I hope that it was mutual, and that I'll have some chance in the future to act on these impulses.

Anyone else have an experience like this?