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Cash Verified Slaves
by on April 4, 2017

Proper manners are important when contacting a Domme.
1.Addressing a Lady properly just not in first contact but in all contact with the lady.Pay attention to what She prefers to be called, ask what she prefers to be called.
example. Hello Goddess how are you today?
example of what not do to do hey babe whats up?
2.When asked a question its Yes mam or no mam or yes Goddess or No Goddess* you insert their title after yes or no*
Do you have limits?
yes Goddess no Goddess
example of how not to answer
Do you have limits?
no, yeah,yes,maybe,hmmm,ok

3.When in a conversation with a domme dead silence is a sign of disrespect ,always ask to leave a conversation its bad manners to just up and leave esp if you have just been scolded, apologize and ask to reflect on your actions.This is a huge pet peeve with Me if you were in a face to face conversation with Me and just walked away, Id prolly grab you by the arm and force you to face me and ream you a whole new asshole for your lack of manners.
4.Sending tributes in a timely fashion, we do Not wait days hours or minutes for you to tribute, have it ready and on hand before contacting a domme, its rude to make them wait, any tribute that takes less then 5 minutes to send shows you were not ready and that the lady wasn't your first priority. needs wants and desires come secondary to a Dommes, anticipate her wants,whims and desires first anf your life will become much easier, never approach a Lady with a list of your wants and desires with out asking or anticipating hers.
for example.
Hi Goddess can you make Me wear my wife panties and be as cruel as possible
this is the correct way
Hi Goddess how may I serve you today>
A good domme will meet the needs of subservient after hers have been fulfilled.
6.Choose your words carefully when in a conversation with a domme,
don't use slang, or ok,but, yeah, pet names such as sugar honey baby boo, we aren't your wives or girlfriends don't talk to Us like we are.
These are just a few key things men tend to forget when talking to dommes.Following certain protocols etc tend to make conversation and service easier for both sides and might I add less irritating.Always ask what a Ladies protocol are don't assume.