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Cash Verified Slaves
by on March 23, 2017

I've been gone for a while. Life had other plans for Me, but I couldn't stay away. I love your money too much! For those of you who don't know Me, here is a little insight into what makes Me tick, and what I expect from a sub. If it resonates with you, don't be shy! It could be that the Goddess you've been looking for is but a message away...


the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity.

the acts or rites that make up a formal expression of reverence for a deity; a religious ceremony or ceremonies.

adoration or devotion comparable to religious homage, shown toward a person or principle.

show reverence and adoration for (a deity); honor with religious rites.

treat (someone or something) with the reverence and adoration appropriate to a deity.

take part in a religious ceremony.

I am here as a Goddess. Yes, I enjoy many of the traditional Mistress roles, but I am primarily here to be worshiped.
One of Gandhi's 7 deadly sins was "Worship without Sacrifice". Compliments are nice, but sacrificing for Me is what will really get My attention. There are many ways to do this. The obvious one being financially, but a few other things include sacrificing orgasms, sacrificing your time, or performing humiliating tasks and sacrificing your pride for Me. (To only name a few.) What are you willing to sacrifice for Me?


the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings,

especially when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level.

I want to hear from you. I want to hear how you haven't been able to think of anything except for Me. I want to hear how your cock was throbbing in the panties I made you wear to work yesterday. I want to hear your utter disappointment at the fact that you will not hear from Me for a few days, as you still send Me emails daily, detailing the many little ways you have sacrificed for Me in my absence. I want you to light a candle to my visage every night and pray for the strength to sacrifice more. I want your belief in Me to fill you with so much pleasure, you can't wait to worship Me and make Me smile.


compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another's authority.

I want you to obey My every whim. I want you to trust in Me, and know that I have your best interests in mind when I assign a task or require a sacrifice. I am a greedy Goddess, but I do not make demands that are impossible to meet. Regardless, you will fail to please Me from time to time, which brings Me to My last point:


voluntary self-punishment inflicted as an outward expression of repentance for having done wrong.

synonyms: atonement, expiation, self-punishment, self-mortification, self-abasement, amends;

I want you to understand that your inevitable failure and disobedience requires penance and you should be prepared to pay for your mistakes. Your pain is my pleasure. While there must be sacrifice in worship, there must also be sacrifice in penance. Sacrifice of your bank account, sacrifice of your pleasure, sacrifice of your pride... Sound familiar? If you are interested in worshiping a Goddess, you better get ready to make some sacrifices.

I'm just a message away when you are ready.

I welcome any comments or other ideas about Goddess Worship. I'd love to hear differing or more expansive opinions and thoughts.

May the light of your Goddess shine upon you, as you open your wallet to worship Her.