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So I have been doing some research for one of my blogs in relation to what makes a financial submissive become first attracted to a domme. Obviously your answer wont be linked back to you and you are more than welcome to send your answer in a private message if you prefer. I would love it if you would be so kind as to answer the following question:
Which aspect of a financial domme is most important to you when choosing to serve?
1. Her appearance
2. Her personality
3. Her trust rating/feedback from other subs
4. The amount of content she has available
5. Her online presence (how often she is online)
6. Her intelligence
7. Her experience
Please chose ONE answer as the one you find most important in the selection process of finding a findom match. Thank you in advance!
I have posted this question on several websites, so appologies if you have already seent this elsewhere but I am hoping to get a decent amount of answers before averaging the responses.
Which aspect of a financial domme is most important to you when choosing to serve?
1. Her appearance
2. Her personality
3. Her trust rating/feedback from other subs
4. The amount of content she has available
5. Her online presence (how often she is online)
6. Her intelligence
7. Her experience
Please chose ONE answer as the one you find most important in the selection process of finding a findom match. Thank you in advance!
I have posted this question on several websites, so appologies if you have already seent this elsewhere but I am hoping to get a decent amount of answers before averaging the responses.
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