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Male Lives in United Kingdom Born on March 31, 1973
Brief Bio
Community Submissive. Please read my 'About Me' below.
Payment Methods Accepted/Used
My preferred ways of tributing are:
Non-UK: PayPal, Wish Tender, Throne, Amazon, or anywhere accepti... View more
About Me
I am a Female Supremacist, not as a fantasy but as a genuine belief. I have been submissive from an ... View more
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Miss North
On a site among all these beautiful and powerful women and you can’t even muster up a smile?!
Like June 16, 2024
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Perhaps you would prefer an over the mouth gag so you don't have to look at it Miss North? No offense is meant to any of the beautiful and powerful women of the site. My smiles at the camera are always unnatural unless I am caught in the moment for a genuine smile.
Like June 17, 2024
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