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Female Lives in California, United States 32 years old
Payment Methods Accepted/Used
Initial tribute is $50+. Follow My site https://dominablue.carrd.co/ for My payment methods and debt... View more
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About Me
Debt contracts, tpe, budget control, hypnosis
My preferred honorifics are as follows:
(My)... View more

Status Update

You wish to serve but can't pay? List skills, knowledge, hobbies, and resources you possess. I'll make you useful to Me in one way or another
1 Liked
1 person likes this.
This is very generous. I have been in the positive of being unable to pay in the past and am very grateful to the dommes who put me to work in other ways. One had me edit her website text, and manage her social media.
Like June 28, 2024
Much appreciated, kinkspirit
Like June 28, 2024